Chapter 6

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Note: I wrote this chapter at school. Sorry if it isn't up to its usual standards.

Part 6


            “Lieutenant,” Aro cried. I glided gracefully over to Aro’s throne, knelt on my knees, and kissed his hand.

            “Yes master?” I asked in a steady tone.

            “Our guests have asked about Edward Cullen. I wish them to be informed all that we know,” Aro ordered.

            I turned and faced Esme and Carlisle. Slowly, I lifted up one hand and pulled down the hood of my robe.

            “E…Edward, what have you done?” Carlisle whispered internally.

            “Taken what is rightfully mine Carlisle,” I said aloud. “The Volturi were very generous to accept me, especially as I turned them down so rudely last year. I had a bad excuse for not joining, and they understood that.”

            “Edward, you shouldn’t join the Volturi simply because-“

            “It’s alright Carlisle, ”I interrupted. “I did not join the Volturi because of Bella Swan. Making decisions because of the death of one human is weak and pathetic. I came because the blood of la tua cantante cleared my mind, making me realize what I wanted already. To shun your on species is stubborn and stupid.

            “That is quite the epiphany for a single meal, Edward,” Rosalie said coldly. Emmet just stood there like a statue. I don’t believe he could say anything.

            “I see that we have no more business here. We shall be leaving soon. I apologize for wasting your time, Marcus. Aro, it is a pleasure as always to see you,” Carlisle called, already walking down the long path towards the main door.

            “ It has been lovely seeing you to, Carlisle. I do hope that you will visit us more often, now that Edward lives here.”

            “No, I’m afraid that will be impossible,” Rosalie said tonelessly. “We may not be back to visit for a long while. We are leaving now, Emmet.”

            Emmet glared at me angrily. Nearly goose-stepping as he stomped to the door. I almost grinned, but maintained my composure. Trainees of King Aro don’t laugh at immature behavior, I reminded myself. In private, Chelsea, Felix, Alec and I could laugh at this.

            A weird smell filled my nose as I heard a thud stifled on the faux-moss in the corridor. The smell was briny, like the ocean, but hinted at leaves and designer fabric. Analyzing it just caused me more stressed, and my urge to protect was kicking in. So I did one of the things I had been warned never to do in my very abbreviated guard training session. I dropped my façade.

            “Does anyone else smell that?” I asked. This earned me a glare from Caius, but everyone else was too busy sniffing the air and snarling to punish my outburst. The Cullens had turned in the doorway and were squinting warily at the side door.

            As if choreographed, the rest of the guard sprang into hunting crouches. I was quick to follow. The footsteps were growing louder. There were two pairs of feet walking to the door. The look on my master’s face clearly showed that he was not expecting any visitors. We all stared at the door intently, expecting the worst.

            And in walked Alice, leading a confused but angry Charlie Swan.

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