Chapter 7

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Part 7


            Looking around at the astonished faces, my plan seemed less perfect than it had before. Bringing Charlie to testify against Edward was brilliant, but the Volturi may disregard the words of a human, especially if it puts their newest toy in jeopardy.

            “Alice! What are you doing here?” Carlisle asked, stunned.

            “Exacting my revenge of course.” I grinned without humor. “A life for a life. Edward has killed, and now it is time for me to kill him.”

            “As much as we sympathize with the loss of your charge, Alice, we cannot simply allow you to kill our guard,” Aro said with authority.

            “Alice, please forgive your brother for killing Bella. We all have lapses in our control, and you knew this was coming from the start,” Carlisle admonished, although the look on his face clearly contradicted his words.

            “Oh, I have forgiven him, Carlisle,” I yelled. “What I will never forgive him for was killing Jasper!” That statement almost made me break down into hysterics, but I stayed strong. The others had far worse reactions.

            Carlisle just stood there, shell-shocked. Esme fainted, and no one even tried to catch her except Charlie. But Charlie was so slow, that it didn’t really count. Emmet growled and lunged for Edward. He and Rosalie had to be restrained by Felix and Dmitri so that they couldn’t rip Edward to shreds.

            “Edward, you… killed a member of your old coven?” Aro asked, stunned but still logical.

            “It was necessary master. He was not very kind about the killing of my singer. He spouted profanities at me and I’m afraid that I had no choice.”

            “I can understand about Bella, Edward, but I am displeased that you could kill one of your own so thoughtlessly.” He turned to face Rose.” However, our judgment has not changed. Edward committed no crimes by killing a human and one of us.”

            “ I think you will find that you are wrong, Aro,” I cut in. “In fact I am surprised that Charlie was able to keep quiet for so long. Charlie, will you please explain?”

            “Gladly,” Charlie spat. “ When Bella went off with that KILLER yesterday, I got worried. There had been a police investigation, and news came to me that she had died of an animal bite. I wanted to know what had happened to her, and I knew from her passport that she had come to Italy with you before. So I booked a ticket and was about to fly here, but Alice met me at the airport in Seattle and it all clicked. YOU KILLED HER! So I came here to testify against you. I plan to have you locked up for a long time, Edward Cullen.”

            “Well Edward,” Afton smirked, “you really did screw up this time.”

            “Well at least it isn’t the worst crime. But it seems that I stand corrected. You really are a felon after all. Every infraction to our laws must be punished, or we risk looking soft,” Aro said authoritatively. “I guess this is goodbye, Edward Cullen.”

            “Please master,” I pled, “ spare my life. I will do anything.”

            “No,” Caius said simply.

            Felix let go of Rosalie’s arm and stalked towards me. An uneasy feeling spread through me, slowly eating away at the confidence and arrogance. My vision turned into a tunnel. All I could see were Felix’s strong and weak points, his eyes and scalp, his teeth and hands. I tried to attack, but Heidi and Chelsea were holding me down.

            Felix was coming closer, and all of my limbs were trapped against the wall. Scenes were flashing before my eyes at lightning speed, and my icy mood was melting. I could feel the consuming guilt of having killed. Kuro Otoharuda, Amilie Franc, Bella Swan, Jasper Hale. The images HAD to stop! The awareness HAD to stop!

            I stopped fighting Chelsea and Heidi. Felix came closer, and I vaguely heard ripping sounds near my feet. My vision was growing fuzzy, and I didn’t care when I lost consciousness. I wanted to die.

            It was about then that the burning started. It hasn’t stopped.

Note: That was one of the last chapters. I may write two more, but only if I feel like it. I'm working on a new story that doesn't have a title yet. It is more interesting, and it is loosely a Bleach fanfic, but mostly my ideas.

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