|70| Sirius's Advice

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"How come you've been avoiding me?" a voice mumbled in my ear.

Looking up, I see Fred's slightly upset face peaking out from behind the armchair I was sitting in. The common room was mostly empty besides George and Lee, who were trying the Skiving Snackboxes, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who were busying themselves as we waited for Sirius.

"I haven't been avoiding you," I said, my voice soft and airy.

Gydion huffed at the lack of attention and I quickly put my hand on his back, petting him. Fred's face was only a few centimeters away from my face, one wrong move and...

"You've barely talked to me since back at the Hideout and didn't even look at me at the... meeting earlier this week," said Fred sadly.

"I'm sorry, I've been a little... stress?" I squeaked.

"Mousey, Mousey, such a bad liar," he chuckled and moved slightly so that his body came into view instead of hiding behind the armchair.

He was still ever so close to me, my heart fluttering at the distance. My little crush on him never lessened since the second year and, since then, seemed to have grown stronger. I cursed myself for my stupid little feelings.

But— no. I continuously tried to continue myself that my feelings for Fred were entirely sisterly. They had to be. He was my best friend's older brother. It was wrong... much like if Ron were to fancy me. I had known Fred for years... I'd be natural to want to spend time with him and for certain he was certainly protective over me! It's natural I'd want to look out for him, especially in times like these...

Fed was like an older brother to me. Naturally all these feelings would occur, I cared for him dearly... and I knew he did as well. He'd protect me no matter what as I would do the same for him as any good sibling would do... right?

Pulling myself out of my own thoughts, I flickered my eyes from his lips, to wear I had unfortunately stared at, to his eyes to see a small whirl of confusion and anxiety. I needed to short this out.

"Fred—" I started.

"Go on a date with me," he blurted.

"A— what?" I blinked at him. Out of all the things I had expected to come out of Fred Weasley's mouth, that was certainly not it.

"A date... you, me..."

"Fred Weas—"

"C'mon, you still owe me for taking you to the Yule Ball," he proposed.

"But I held your toffees at the Quidditch World Cup," I said apprehensively.

"Maisey, please?" he begged.

I bit my lip and looked up at Fred. His eyes, which usually hold mischief, held genuine affection.

"Okay," I breathed.

"You will?" He smiled brightly.

"Yeah, just let me know when and I'll do it," I smiled back.

"Awesome," he beamed, quickly peaked my cheek, and ran back to George and Lee.

Stunned, I sat frozen in my chair. My fingers lightly touched to where Fred had given me the soft kiss. That wasn't very brotherly. Disbelief and butterflies flew throughout my body. The only kiss I'd ever gotten and it was from—

"What was that all about?" Hermione asked, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I squealed and pulled my hand away from my face as it brightened in embarrassment. Fred chuckled from the other side of the room as he, George, and Lee all left to go to bed.

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