|75| Mr. Weasley

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White-hot searing pain echoed through my chest and up my neck and arms. Sweat lined my body like an armor of fear. My throat felt raw at the sound that came out of my throat. I felt hands on my arms and I thrashed trying to get them off.

"Maisey! MAISEY!"

Jolting awake, the pain pulsed in my shoulder.

"I– I need to get Harry," I mumbled and rolled out of bed hitting the floor.

Disoriented and panting, I looked around and saw Hermione, she looked terrified— I felt terrified. Beyond her was Lavender Brown and Pavarti Patil and another girl I wasn't acquainted with.

"Maisey, what happened?" Hermione said, helping me up.

"I... Harry's also in pain... I need to—"

Before I could finish my sentence, a wave of hot pain rolled through my body and threatened to come out, bile rose in my throat as I restrained myself from letting it out.

"Maisey, you're ill," someone said behind Hermione.

"N-No... Harry needs... I need..."

Scrambling to my feet, I used the furniture around me to keep myself steady. I could feel Hermione behind me, wanting to help but not knowing. The scar of my collarbone felt as if it had opened, but no liquid lined it but sweat.


"Hermione, help me— help Harry!" I shouted, my throat resenting my cries.

Going down the stairs and then back up the stairs, my body didn't appreciate it. The pain in my collar started to subdue allowing me to breathe better and walk more freely. Someone ran out of the boys' dormitory; it looked like Neville.

Inside the room, it was chaos: Harry was doubled over in pain, Ron tried to help him, Dean and Seamus were whispering in their beds. Pushing past the door, Harry and Ron looked up, as did Dean and Seamus. Instead of looking relieved, the two boys looked more terrified.

"Did you see... Ron's dad... t-the dream," Harry tried to stand up.

"All I felt was pain... are you—"

Pain flew through my chest and I tripped over whatever was on the floor. From behind me, Hermione shrieked and grabbed my arm, I heard Ron protest something Harry did, but my eyes were screwed shut in pain.

"Harry, Maisey, you're not well," Ron said shakily. "Neville's gone for help..."

"I'm fine!" Harry shouted and groaned.

"Harry, what happened? What's wrong? Why—" I looked up from my spot on the floor.

"There's nothing wrong with me, it's Ron's dad you've got to worry about— we need to find out where he is— he's bleeding like mad— I was— it was a huge snake—"

"W-what?" I coughed.

With Hermione's help, I stood on my feet and finally steadied myself. Little shocks of pain flew from my scar, but it wasn't the pain that had woken me up, it was Harry's pain that I felt. Then, there were hurried footsteps coming up the stairs and I heard Neville's voice again.

"Over here, Professor..."

I turned to see Professor McGonagall hurrying into the dormitory in her tartan dressing gown, her glasses perched lopsidedly on the bridge of her bony nose.

"What is it, Potter? Where— both of you? W-what happened? Where does it hurt?"

"O-Our scar," I pointed to my shoulder.

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