|111| Death Eaters

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A few days after the Quidditch Game, Harry came bursting through the portrait hole completely out of breath. Hermione, Ron, and I were discussing our upcoming N.E.W.T.s and studying for a test in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Harry, are you okay?" I looked up from my textbook at a panting Harry.

"I'm fine," said Harry shortly, racing past us.

I look back at Hermione and Ron giving them a questioning look. Just as I stood up to go to Harry's room, he comes running down the spiraling stairs with his map and Invisibility Cloak in hand.

"I've got to be quick," Harry panted. "Dumbledore thinks I'm getting my Invisibility Cloak. Listen, I'm going with Dumbledore to find another Horcrux. We'll be gone for a day or two, no more than that. Once we break the Horcrux, we'll be back, but do you guys see what this means?"

"I—" I started, but Harry cut me off.

"Dumbledore won't be here tonight, so Malfoy's going to have another clear shot at whatever he's up to. No, listen to me!" he hissed angrily, as Ron, Hermione, and I showed every sign of interrupting. "I know it was Malfoy celebrating in the Room of Requirement. Here —" He shoved the Marauder's Map into my hands. "You've got to watch him and you've got to watch Snape too. Use anyone else who you can rustle up from the D.A.— Hermione, those contact Galleons will still work, right? Dumbledore says he's put extra protection in the school, but if Snape's involved, he'll know what Dumbledore's protection is, and how to avoid it— but he won't be expecting you lot to be on the watch, will he?"

"Harry —" began Hermione, her eyes huge with fear.

"I haven't got time to argue," said Harry curtly. "Take this as well —"

He thrust the socks into Ron's hands.

"Thanks," said Ron. "Er— why do I need socks?"

"You need what's wrapped in them, it's the Felix Felicis. Share it between yourselves and Ginny too. Say good-bye to her for me. I'd better go, Dumbledore's waiting —"

"Harry, you have to be careful! I think you should take the Felix Felicis!" I said.

"It's okay, I'll be fine! I'll be with Dumbledore," said Harry. " Don't look like that, Maisey, I'll see you later!"

Harry ran off before any of us could respond.

"What was that all about?" I breathed.

"You know how Harry is about Malfoy's plans," Ron huffed, looking at the Map in my hands.

"I reckon we best go figure out what they're up to," Hermione sighed.

"You actually want to?" I smiled. Hermione never wanted to be apart of Harry's around the Room of Requirements.

"Yes," Hermione nodded.

The next morning, we devised a plan: Hermione used the old Galleons she had made for the D.A. Meetings and called forward the members; only Neville and Luna came. Regardless of our lack of helpers, the seven of us, me, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna, divided into two groups: One to go up to the Room of Requirements to spy on Malfoy and another to go spy outside of Snape's Office.

Taking only the smallest bit of Felix Felicis, Hermione, Luna, and I decided to lurk around Snape's Office while Ron, Ginny, and Neville went to stand guard outside the Room of Requirements later that night. The three of us stayed hidden, out of view, of anyone who came down the Dungeon stairs.

"What do you think he's doing?" I whispered to Hermione and Luna.

We were hidden directly next to the stairs, so no one could see us if they came around. We'd been here a few hours, nothing.

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