Unexpected ♡

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Once the boy walked in I was in shock all I could say was...



NO WAY! How could I get my self to this.

J - LIZ!



P - oh you 2 know each other
L - yes
J - no

We said on the same time I turned my head back to him and back to the producer

L - no
J - yes

This game! Are u fr JADEN HOSSLER!

PA - yes or no guys hurry up!
L - umm... I'm sry yes we do know each other.
P - interesting

By now Jaden is by my side. Jaden and I looked at each other and said on the same time.

L&J - how?!?
P - u guys will find out how. But first how do u guys know each other?
L - well Jaden is friends to my cousin.
J - and... I like her.

Jaden did not just said he likes me to the producer and the assistant.

P - oh is that so
J - yea and she knows it already.

By now I must be blushing so hard while looking back and forth to Jaden and the producer.

J - and between us she likes me back. *he said proudly*
L - JADEN! How can u be so unprofessional *i giggle*
J - idk it just comes out *he says smiling and giggling make me smile*
P - um
L&J - sry
P - I see u guys have a special connection.

I look at Jaden who is now holding my hand. But when I look at it he lets go of it. And I realize that the producer is looking at us and our hands.

P - can you guys do the scene Liz brought  today please.

When he said that my heart beat faster bc the scene I brought had a kiss on the end. When I did I by myself earlier I didn't do the kiss part bc I had no one to act it with. But now...

P - whenever u guys are ready
J - TVD huh? Oh kiss! Interesting *he said with a smirk*
L - I didn't expect this. Plus us a technical kiss nothing more.
J - yea technical.
P - oh if it's easier u can say each others name
PA - ready?

We both nod

L - u screw up, Jaden. Again.
J - thank you
L - you got me in a position, where I have to defend you, again.
L - where I have to bend my morals, again.
L - where I have to go against every single thing that I believe in, again.
L - Because I love you
J - then stop loving me
L - I can't
J - well, that's the problem! We don't work
L - I know
J - and we agree... this has to end
L - it's just uh... we're over...

And with that being said he grabs my face and kiss me passionately. It lasted abt 10 seconds. Until the producer said ok. After that we took some photos. And I had to leave he stayed bc he is the boy who's looking for his "lover" on this movie. I felt amazing after knowing that the boy was Jaden but also kinda jealous bc he might have to kiss a bunch of other girls. Anyways I went back to the entrance where Mark was at.

L - hey
M - hey how was it?
L - let's say unexpected...
A/n what a chapter ♡

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