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Before you continue reading I must warn you that this isn't a regular story. It's not a horrific one, but it certainly has their moments.

My name is Sakura. And today, I'm the most well-known doctor of Konoha. However I'm not here to tell you what I do now for a living.

In order to get where I am now, I had to go to school. And that's what I wanna tell you now. It may seem boring at first but believe me, I attended an Academy that was crazy as hell.

And when I say crazy, I mean it.

Back then I had to deal with many personal issues. I lived in another city but since my parent's death the government took me to an orphanage. And then they send me to a secondary home. Not the best one, but it was something.

I had good grades so the government arranged me to get a scholarship to go to Konohagakure’s Academy. The most prestigious place I could ever study.

It was good at first because it could help me achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.

And that's when I was wrong.

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