Made a new enymy who is supposed to be my friend.

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Morgans POV
"We need to get you two to camp" Percy said we both said "why?" "Because that thing was following you" he said as he now pretend to be a office aid. "They'll never believe him" my sister Eden said in my mind. we where twins so we had the whole twin connection. " I know right if we can see how could the teachers believe him" I said to my sister in here mind he poked his head in a lot of class rooms and a whole bunch of kids came out and I saw the person I thought I would never see the rest of my life...... Nico de Angelo. I then remembered what my sister said I quickly moved to the back of the group with here she was clenching her fists. crap she saw him. oh god what am I going to do.....crap,crap,crap!! "Eden I know you hate him but pleas don't say anything to him it'll make him worse" I said to my sister " oh trust me the lats thing I want to do is talk to that back stabbing son of a" I stooped here and said " no sweet language you can use that when we go back home" " your not going back home it's to dangerous for you" it was Grover he said " What's the fits. clam down Eden it's just some friends" "friends uh well on of them is a back stabber. HE left me and my sister to survive alone in his old apartment. we had to work and we worked our butts of Grover. having a job and going to school is to much for two girls on there own but we managed and we don't need any of there help to survive." She said screaming at the floor she then began to run "oh god who know where's she going"i said as I began to case after her I said "Eden pleas you don't have to even look at him just pleas stope running" she stooped and she turned to me. there where tears down here eyes. I embraced here with a hug she said "I can't take it anymore I'm tired of being strong. I need some one to be there for me." she sobbed in to my hair "I'm there for you. don't you ever forget that. where the twins together where in stope able. " I said I then hear a voice say " Eden, Morgana?" I turned to see all of Percy's friends and the one who spoke to me was no one els but Nico "get away from us you've done enough damage to us" he looked surprised and said "let me explain" I said "get away from us Nico. you've done enough" he began to explain. "get away from us Nico!!! You've done enough damage to us!!!" I scream Grover came running to us an he pushed Nico away. I whispers to Eden "let's go. time to hit the rode again." she booed and we began to run for our life and feelings. I heard Nico screaming our names. I even heard Grover. I pushed the door opens and Eden passed throw I was about to go when I feel a hand and see it's Nico I screamed "Eden catch" she turned. I throw my cars keys to here. she nodes and she grabbed my other hand and began to pull me from Nico. he held tight on to my writs. Eden then punched him in the face. He finally let me go. I just stood there frozen as I saw Nico back up. I saw a girl with chiclet brown hair and Latino skin like me and my sister she said "what did you do to him" I then grabbed edema arm and began to run for my car we got in and I started my car. I then see the girl she has a sword now and she looks mad. "shit shit" I say I begin to back up and she was now running towards my car and a whole group of kids behind here. "step on it Morgana" I stepped I the pedal so hard that the car jumped a bit we where now heading home. as soon had we arrived we began to pack. when we where done packing we looked the car and the last thing I almost forgot to take was our family photo with our mom she had long brow hai and sweet brown eyes. I got the photo and I ran to the car. me and Eden looked at the photo. I said "I miss you so much mom. I'll make step dad pay for killing you." Eden said " we should get going Grover knows where we live." I node and said " where should we go." Eden said "Miami,florida where tío Julio lives he'll give us se time to get in school and settle down. we can start fresh." I node and said "for mom" "for mom" Eden said I them hear a tap on my window I turn to see Percy nocking. I roiled down the window and said " what do you want? Make it quick cuse where livening." "you guy can't just leave. how do you even have a drivers license?" He asked "I learns how to drive when I was 15 the year before our mom died" I said remembering the horrible memories. "oh. sorry about your mom but what happened back there with Nico?" "None of your biscuits" Eden said Grover then popped to the window and said "pleas guy don't leave" "why should we not leave Grover. you have plenty of friends. we don't need there help. so far the only ones we can call loyal and nice has to be Percy and Annabeth." I said "don't look for use. we'll be long gone." Eden said " wherever you go I go" Grover said as he got to the back of the car and closed the door. "Grover your kidding me" Percy said "no I'm not Percy. they stood up for me and there my best friends since 9th grade. I can't just lose them like that. there the real friends I end just like you and Annabeth" grover said "you two done so we can leave" I said growing inpatient. Percy said " guys think this throw. what did Nico ever do to you anyways." "Oh I'll tell you what he did to is when we where about 16 1/2 one day we woke up to not find Nico and we though he went to his friends or some thing, wrong days weeks months and years passes he never came back and he left us to survive on our own. he left like we never existed. we got liked out of every school we went. that's what he did to is and we've hated he ever science" Eden said " leave now before I run over your foot" I told Percy. he sighed and wrote some thing down quickly and gave it to me and said "get chases by monsters this is the only safe place for kids like us" I nods and rolled up the window I pulled out in to the dive way and saw Nico staring at us I sighed and said "what we when you hate someone" he ran up to the car and opens the door he grabbed my arm. "let me go!! You abandoned us!!" I scream. he let me go and said "you don't have to leave" "yes I do Nico. my stepdad is actually looking for us and then there's you I can't take it anymore. we are leavening" I said as I closed the door I looked the doors and drove away. "Guys you sure about this" Grover said "no but it's true ower step dad is looking for us and he'll do anything to find us he'll even hurt ower friends" Eden said "let's go to camp half blood pleas it's the only safe place for us" Grover said "fine but if I see Nico I'm going to leave" Eden said "we are going and if he's there oh well I want to protect us and our connection Eden we can't afford to lose the only thing that can keep is inter twined" I said "fine" she said

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