Author's Note

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     Hello, peculiar reader. Apparently, you have decided to read a fan-fic about you and the sexy Daddy- I mean Doctor- the sexy Dr. Phil and you falling in love, having sexy times, and more.

     Well uh, you will definitely get that the moment you get to the next chapter, I promise.

     Well uh, I'm definitely going to Hell for writing this... oh well, who cares. It's time for the greatest love story, a love story, much better than Twilight!

     Please understand that I'm only a teenager, so my writing will not be professional. I don't think a professional writer would ever even think about writing a Dr. Phil x Reader fan-fiction, but oh well, the world is full of surprises.

     Occasionally, I may reference memes, but this story won't be overpowered by memes. I just get bored easily, and don't know what to put, so I put stupid memes in places that I think would seem kind of fitting.

    Anyways, enough with me talking about the story and how I'm going to Hell... time for the man, the god, the legend, Dr. Phil!

Sincerely, The Author, Jay

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