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     As you and the sexy Daddy Phil are having fun, you both here footsteps outside your door. Fortunately, Dr. Phil was smart enough to lock the door. Ah, isn't he just a sexy genius?

    When you hear a knock on the door, Daddy Phil gulps, and asks, "who is it?"

    "It's me... your wife?" A voice replies. You gasp, as Dr. Phil shoves you into his closet.

     "Stay as silent as you can, Y/N." He whispers. He immediately shuts the doors, and you can here him quickly dressing himself.

    You here the door swing open, and Dr. Phil's anxious sexy voice croak out, "Hey Robin! Do you need something?"

    "I was just going to make dinner, and I was going to ask what you wanted, when I heard... strange noises coming from the bedroom." Robin sighs.

    "W-What do you mean by strange noises, dearest?" Dr. Phil asks. You can clearly hear the panic in his voice.

    "Hmmm, I guess it just sounded like slapping, gasping, moaning. What the hell were you doing in here, Phil!?" Robin yelled. You tried your best to stay still and not make any sounds as she yelled at the love of your life... but you were so tempted to get right up in her face and defend Daddy Phil. But, you couldn't. You don't want to do anything that could possibly lead to Daddy being harmed.

"O-Oh... I was... I was playing our old sex tape!" Dr. Phil replied. You shivered the moment he said that. Imagining him having sexy fun times with anyone other than you completely grossed you out.

"Why...?" Robin asked. She sounded disgusted, and slightly concerned.

"I... I... I was just in... one of those moods...." Daddy anxiously answered.

"Well, we can have some fun now~" Robin smiled. You flinched when you heard those words.

"O-Okay, dear..." Dr. Phil chuckled. You tightly hugged your knees. Were you seriously about to sit here and listen to Dr. Phil and his wife fucking... in their closet? Ew!

You heard their clothes drop to the floor, and almost puked the moment you first heard Robin moan.

You heard everything so clearly... it was absolutely traumatizing. When would this horrible nightmare end? You wished you could just walk out, but you couldn't. You loved your Daddy way too much to do that.

Eventually, they're little fun session ended, and Robin left the room. Your daddy opened the closet that you were hiding in, and saw how scared and sad you were. He scooped you up in his big sexy arms, and whispered, "it's okay, my darling, I promise, this will never happen again."

You closed your eyes, as he rocked you back and forth, like a baby. You felt him walking somewhere, and then before you could open your eyes, you realized that you were in his car.

"W-Where are we going?" You asked. You were still naked - for you had no time to dress yourself before he sexily the car seat. You tried to break free, but you couldn't. You're trapped...

"Somewhere special, baby... somewhere special." A familiar voice replied. It wasn't Dr. Phil's voice... but... it was...


Cure Me, Doctor~ (Dr. Phil x Reader Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now