A/N to clarify some things

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My story veers off from the Supernatural plot where Cas is becoming human again. Everything that's happened in the show up to then has happened here. When I started this story, I loved the show and could have told you every little thing that's been done over the seasons. Now, I still love the show but it's definitely been a long time since I've watched it and I apologize if anything I write is contradictory to that history. The direct references to the show's plot die off pretty quickly because of that, and I'm sure the writing quality and style changes a bit after the first chapter. I've edited my old writing to fix some things, but hardly in depth.

The character personalities may also be slightly different, so I'm also sorry if you think to yourself "Dean would never say that," or "Sam would never do that,". I know we all love the characters the way the Supernatural writers wrote them, but my story needed just a little more openness from them to get it where I want it to go and give you some emotions you might not have felt watching the show. Also their ages are a little younger than they would be where this plot actually is. I'd say Dean is about 30 and Sam is 26, of course Cas is still ancient. The technology is also a bit more modern than the show.

I don't have super high expectations on this getting popular, but I'm under self-isolation because of COVID-19 (not sick, just pre-cautionary) and went back to reading Wattpad stories after years, took a peek at my old drafted stories out of curiosity, and something made me want to continue this one to pass the time. I hope it helps you pass the time too, and I hope you'll add some comments and give me your thoughts. Also PLEASE feel free to point out any typos and spelling errors you see, they can be really distracting and I want to fix any of them, so you guys can be my editors. I am Canadian though so don't be surprised by a couple u's popping up where you wouldn't expect them. I also tend to ramble and this causes a lot of run-on sentences in my writing that drove my high school English teacher insane, so definitely expect imperfect grammar in that sense, but I hope it won't detract anything from the story.

The chapters are quite long (usually over 3000 words) and I have no idea how many there'll be, I'm wondering how this story is gonna unfold just as much as you are. Of course, I already know the ending, but the middle is still in the air, and I don't really plan out chapters before I write them.

I'm not sure if I'll be adding more author's notes as I go, but if not, thank you in advance for reading my story and I hope you enjoy!

PS written after beginnings of publication: Turns out I really don't have a schedule with this at all and I don't always want to work on it. I don't think anyone's reading this at this point but in case someone is, I'm so sorry. I know that frustration of wanting a next chapter, I just don't want this to become something I force myself to do and start to dislike. I know this is my only published story, but I do have other drafts that take my interest sometimes, as well as something highly emotional and personal that I doubt I'll ever publish but is cathartic for me to write, and then there are times that I just don't feel like writing. But I'm beyond excited about getting this story to its end.

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