Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"And just where the hell were you two?" Dean asked, his voice gruff. I looked at the angel next to me to find that he was also looking at me. He nodded towards Dean and I shook my head which only caused him to give me a stern look and nod more forcefully. I looked at Dean's face.

"Well go on, Cas. Tell the man where we were," I looked back at Castiel and nodded towards Dean. He glared at me before turning to face the hunters.

"She needed to get the tattoo and some spare clothes so we went to Quebec. Didn't you get the note?"

"Why would you go out and do that alone? Like it or not Cas, you're losing your powers," Sam uncrossed his arms and put his hands in his pockets, completely ignoring the angel's question.

"You both could have been killed! What were you thinking!?" Dean's voice rose as he stepped closer to Castiel. It seemed he was directing almost all of his focus on the angel standing beside me so I slowly inched away from the two and grabbed Sam.

I stood on tip-toe while pulling him down to reach his ear and whispered, "Let's leave those two alone." He nodded and we crept towards the motel door. Neither noticed as Sam carefully shut the door with a soft click.

"You really should've waited for one of us," Sam said after a minute of walking in silence.

"Cas didn't want to wake Dean, said he doesn't sleep much these days. I figured you'd be the same."

"That's true, about Dean I mean. He'll sleep better when Cas is human," Sam kicked a rock as he spoke.

"Why's that?" I tilted my head to look up at him. Sam chuckled.

"Because then Cas will need to sleep everyday too, not just once and a while when he's weak." It took a moment before it clicked.

"So are they, like, together?"

Sam nodded and a silence stretched between us. It was a familiar silence though, almost like the days when I was still the Impala and Dean was in Hell. A grin slowly spread across my face and I quietly started humming Social Casualty by Five Seconds of Summer. Sam instantly turned red, ducking his head to try and hide the splashes of colour on his cheeks. I slowly got louder until I was belting out the lyrics, Sam joining in soon after.

"So SAAAAAVE MEEE from who I'm supposed to be. Don't wanna be a victim of authority, I'll always be a part of the minority. SAAAAAAAVE MEEE from who I'm supposed to be. So tell me, tell me, tell me what you want FROM me. I don't wanna be another SOCIAL CASUALTY."

At the end of the song our singing dissolved into giggles until Sam tripped over a rock and faceplanted, causing the two of us to burst into heavier laughter.

"You -uh- you remember that, huh?" Sam asked while we were catching our breath.

"It was the first song you listened to every morning, Sammy. 'Course I remember."

"God, that's embarrassing," he mumbled before taking the hand that I had extended and swung himself up.

"Yeah it is. I mean, everyone knows that Mrs. All American tops Social Casualty," I rolled my eyes and scoffed. I clearly had no idea what everyone knew about music, but it had been my favourite of the album. Completely different from the music I was used to with John and Dean too.

"Oh, really now?" Sam raised an eyebrow at me. I smiled back at him and nodded.


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