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Two days have already passed since Ariane and Christine decided to go home, and their flight is today. They were both busy packing their things when they heard a knock on the door.

“Let me,” Ariane volunteered, and then she got up without waiting for Christine’s response and went to the door of their hotel room.

Ariane felt like the world stopped spinning as soon as she opened the door. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she gaped at the man standing before her.

“M-Matt?” Her eyes instantly dropped at the luggage behind him, then it moved back to him.

“H-Hi.” Matteo sheepishly smiled at her.

Ariane was still confused as hell; that’s why she can’t open her mouth to talk at the moment. But when Matteo remained silent while staring at her, she forced herself to talk even when her heartbeat was darn loud and fast.

“W-What are you doing here? Why are you here? I thought—”

“You said you can’t stay in Tuscany with me, so I have no choice but to let you go,” Matteo said with mixed emotions visible in his eyes that she can’t name.

Her confusion grew more intense as she heard what he said. She knows for a fact that they have already made peace with the reality that they can’t be together in a particular country. She’s done in Italy, and she would never go back to a country she visited once, even if Matteo begs her to go with him. But would Matteo really do that? Is that why he’s here?

“Yeah, you said that. That’s why I’m wondering what brought you here. Being here means you’re holding onto me instead of letting me go‚” Ariane said in a matter-of-fact tone to make Matteo realize that his words and actions are damn contradictory and confusing as hell.

“But I never said that I wouldn’t go after you.” Matteo held her right hand with his left hand and looked deep into her eyes. “If you can’t stay in Italy with me, then I’ll go with you wherever you go.”

Her jaw dropped, and her eyes widened at what he said. She gaped at him in disbelief. She just stared at him, like she was still processing all the things he said. It seemed like she was in the middle of solving a hard puzzle, and his face held the answers to it.

“Hey. Stop looking at me like that. Say something. Don’t make me fuckin’ nervous,” Matteo snapped at her when she just stood there like a freaking statue.

Ariane shook her head to wake herself up from her temporary mental freeze.

“I... I don’t know what to say. I really thought... I thought when I left Italy, it was already the end for us,” she honestly answered.

Matteo chuckled lightly, but Ariane can still see that he’s nervous as fuck.

“Well, I didn’t expect this either. Never in my life did I think that I'd be able to conquer my fear because of a woman. A woman who made my heart beat like crazy,” Matteo confessed and looked at her lovingly—like she was the most gorgeous lady he had ever laid eyes on. “I love you, Anne, and I don’t want to lose you. That’s why I’m standing her in front of you to ask for a chance. A chance to show you more what I feel for you. And just so you know, I already started proving my love for you by leaving Italy just to be here... with you.”

“Matt, I—”

Ariane wasn’t able to continue what she was about to say when Christine came into the picture.

“Ariane, who’s that?” Christine asked from behind.

Ariane was prompt enough to withdraw her hand from Matteo’s hold before Christine could see it and tease her nonstop. She appeared beside her and stared at Matteo for nearly a minute, inspecting him.

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