As U know I'm Luna and growing up I had a pretty Fucked up childhood my mum and dad split when I was not even two, she used to not let me see him and she dated different men all the time and tried to make me call them dad; she would leave me with near enough strangers and go on holiday or clubbing but she wouldn't let my dad have me there's some other fucked up stuff in between but this is my story not hers!
As a child I was always a target for bullying just because I was weak and people took advantage of that they saw an opportunity and took it, as a person I've definitely changed a lot I've been through a lot which is probably why I am the way I am today,So skipping ahead of time my mum got married, had a baby and still treated me like shit I didn't know everything was about to change tho we moved to a different area like two hours away from where we was living let's call this place magnolia city, magnolia city was a scary place for me when I got there I didn't know anyone or anything there I was terrified I felt so lonely and just wanted to go back to my old house but time went by so fucking fast before I knew it had a great group of friends and I was in secondary school, still vulnerable and easy to pick on an at my worst something terrible happened, Someone in my family had committed suicide and I was depressed for month not because of the death obviously it was upsetting but just the fact that my mum tried to blame her emotions on me constantly and all the time she was aloud to be depressed I wasn't it just wasn't an option for me I stopped going to school I became distant from my friends and things started to fall apart! I managed to get back into school but I felt so out of place my whole life I've felt out of place lost and not wanted but this is truly where things start to turn!
Is this love
RomanceThis story is my story of toxic family's, relationships and self image! This story slowly unravels as you get to know them main character ( me ) Luna and the people around me, If you are under 16 please do not read this even better if your 18 as th...