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[Michael's looks: Mature Era]

Michael is busy having a photo shoot today. He's been wanting to spend time with his best friend Krystal but she's been busy. Since she was free, she decided to visit Michael at his photo shoot. Krystal heads down to the photo shoot site in Las Vegas. She talked to the people in charge and Michael's manager so she could come. She heads into the building and sees Michael talking to the makeup artists, with his back facing her and not looking at the mirror. She quietly walks up behind Michael, gesturing to the makeup artists and stylists to not react. Krystal stops behind us and closes his eyes.

Krystal: Guess who....*whispers in Michael's ear*

Michael: W-what? *grabs Krystal hands off his eyes and turns around, gasps* Krystal? Krystal!! *gets up and hugs her tight*

Krystal: Hey Mike! Someone missed me!

Michael: I've been wanting to see you for the past few days! How come you came?

Krystal: I wanted to see you too so I came. I decided that I would visit you and maybe hang out after your photo shoot.

Michael: Really? Yes!

Photographer: Can we start?

Krystal: You should go. I'll be watching.

*Michael goes through the photo shoot smoothly until he does take a tumble. Krystal runs up to him with the stylist behind her to make sure Michael is ok. He gets up and keeps going, saying he is ok. Unknowingly, Michael somehow ripped his pants while shooting. While they were getting him to pose the way they want, Michael seemed to be in pain since they had made him grip his hair tightly exactly where he had the burn on his head. A man came up to Michael, recording the whole shoot. When Michael saw him, he asked him if the shoot was going well. The man said yes then went straight to Krystal and told her that something was wrong.*

Man: Ms Krystal?

Krystal: Yes?

Man: Uh.. There's something wrong. Mr Jackson seems to be in pain. Here's the clip of what I just saw. *shows Krystal what Michael asked him*

Krystal: Oof. Thank you for telling me. I'll check on him. And I know just how to get to him. *goes to the photographer* Sir, wouldn't it be best if we got his pants changed?

Photographer: You're right. Mr Jackson, lets get your pants changed first. 

Michael: Ok. *walks besides Krystal, whispers to Krystal* Thank you, its was uncomfortable to stand there and let them adjust my pants near my butt....

Krystal: *giggles* Oh Mike. I need ask you something.... *hands a new pair of pants to Michael while walking towards the changing room with him*

Michael: What is it? *enters the changing room, closing the door*

Krystal: Are you in pain?

Michael: What do you mean?

Krystal: Well, the man who came to record you earlier came to me after and told me that you seemed to be in pain when they made you grip your hair.

Michael: *opens the door wearing the new pair of pants* W-well, yes... I was in pain but I couldn't say it. It still does hurt. Sometimes I wish that I didn't get burned years ago.

Krystal: *walks into the room* I'm sorry about that Michael. *hugs Michael*

Michael: *hugs back* Well, what has happened can't be undone.

Krystal: I tell you what, once you finish your photo shoot, we can head back to the hotel you're staying at and i'll give you a head massage. I'll help you wash your hair too.

Michael: Thanks Krys. You're the best.

*Michael heads back and does the photo shoot. After the photo shoot, the two best friends head to the hotel Michael is staying at in Las Vegas. Michael decides to take a shower and wash his hair. Krystal tell him to take a bath instead and she will wash his hair. Once he was in the bath tub filled with warm water and soap, Krystal entered the bathroom. Though the two of them were still shy about the fact Michael isn't wearing clothes and Krystal is in the same room with him in the same moment, Krystal knew she should man up so she went behind Michael and sat on the edge of the bath tub with her legs in the bath and Michael in between her legs. She wets his hair and put some soap on her hand and gently starts washing his hair. After he is done taking a bath, Krystal helps him dry his hair. Once Michael's hair is done drying, he lays his head on Krystal's lap while she is sitting down on the couch. She gently strokes his head, running her fingers through his hair letting her fingers softly run across his scalp. Michael feels like he is in heaven. He's been wanting to get Krystal to do this for him for a while now but he was always too shy. He softly moans because of how good this felt but not loud enough for Krystal to hear.*

Krystal: Michael, where are the kids?

Michael: They went out with the nanny. How is it possible that your massages put me at ease immediately?

Krystal: Its because i've known you for years. I know how to put you at ease just like how you know to put me at ease.

*just then, the kids come into the hotel suite.*

Kids: Daddy! Oh aunt Krys!!

Krystal: Hi kids. How are you?

Kids: We're good. How come you came?

Krystal: I was free. Now, its getting late. Go wash up and get ready for bed. I'll read you a bed time story. Let your father rest ok?

Kids: Ok. *runs into their rooms*

Michael: You don't have to do that. I can take care of them.

Krystal: No, you need to rest. I'll take care of them for you.

Michael: Ok. Will you stay tonight?

Krystal: Of course. My room is actually right down the hall.

Michael: You could just stay here. We do have an extra room.

Krystal: If you want me to.

Michael: Of course! I would love you to.

Krystal: Ok. I will. Let me get the kids to bed. I'll be back.


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