Five Years

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I barely recognize Houston the minute my tires hit the interstate, leading me almost to my hometown in Texas. The streets are a lot busier and more buildings have been built since I've stepped my feet on these grounds.

I find Wilton Street and quickly follow the road that appears to be a dead end spot. My GPS tells me my destination is on my right. Bennie's Coffee House. I pull my silver Toyota into the parking lot and turn off the ignition. My feet hit the gravel and I slowly walk up towards the front door.

Once I push it open, I see familiar eyes staring back at me in a small booth sitting in the far corner. They wave me down and I take a deep breath before walking on over towards them.

Lydia and Lyla Turner. The brown eyed, brown hair beauties. Twins of the century. That's what everyone would call them.

Maxine Hodge. Tomboyish girl I've ever known. Don't let her fool you, she can turn a trash bag into a tight fit strapless dress. All the boys drool over her, yet some don't want her to outshine their ego.

"Carmen!" They exclaim and pull me into a tight warm hug. The feeling was different, but not in a bad way. I really did miss them.

"Hi." I tell them kindly and take a seat at the other side of the table.

"You haven't aged one bit." Max laughs with the other two following. I roll my eyes and take a sip of my Carmel Macchiato that they had waiting for me. I'm surprised they still knew it was my favorite.

"Same goes to you three. How long has it been now? Four years?"

They disagree and shake their heads. "Try five years."

My eyes widen. How did I lose one year? Has time really gone by that fast?

"Five years?" I question in disbelief.

Lyla breaks off a piece of her muffin and places a small bite into her mouth. "It feels just like yesterday to me."

"Me too." Lydia nods and takes a sip of her iced mocha latte'.

"How are you doing?"

I shift in my seat at Max's question. Not that her question bothers me, but I get asked that a lot and it can still be exhausting answering the same question over and over again.

"I'm doing okay, trying to do okay I guess." I breathe. "I have missed y'all though. I miss the fun times we all had together."

Max nods. "I agree. We had the best times, but not the weeks that lead to what happened."

The table goes quiet for a few moments. It was the best summer of my life, but also the worst. I'm starting to question if coming back was a good idea.

"So where do you live now Carmen?" The twins ask nonchalantly.

"Oklahoma." I clear my throat after taking another sip of my coffee. "What about you three?"

"Well, I moved to a small town right outside of Houston and I got a degree in business." Max says while wiping a few cinnamon roll crumbs off her mouth.

"That's awesome." I reply back. "I work with kids. I'm a special needs director."

I could tell they weren't shocked at my job, especially with my little brother having Down syndrome, they knew I've always had a place for special kids in my heart.

"I'm sure Lucas is proud of you." Lydia praises and I show her a smile back.

"We actually still live here in the city in an apartment right past the campus." I nod my head and check my phone as it vibrates against the table.

(Wren) - hey baby, just wanted to say enjoy your time and be careful coming back home.

I stare at his text for a few moments before typing back I will hun <3 and locking my phone. My head looks back up and I see their eyes staring back at me with big grins plastered against their face.


"Who's the guy behind that smile?" Lyla asks.

"My boyfriend, Wren." I say bashfully.

Our conversation is shortly ended when a cold hand touches the back of my shoulder. I was welcomed by someone who I considered a very good friend of mine, but now all he is is a stranger to me.

Kai Witmore

"Hi." He says to me first before telling the girls the same. They greet him back and look at one another in awkwardness. Why is this so weird for everyone? We had something in the past, but that was in the past. We are in the present now.

I stand up and welcome him in a friendly hug. He smells the same and the only difference I can see about him is the facial hair resting against his jaw. It suits him.

"Can you believe it's been five years?" He says grabbing another chair to join us at our table.

We all shake our heads. "I'm glad we could be together again for at least one day." Max shouts over the loud television. A news report is announced inside the coffee shop making everyone give it their full attention.

The anniversary of Camp Hill and the tragic death of Serenity Smith.

I swallow hard as my eyes study her beautiful face that is shown on the screen. A cold yet familiar hand barely touches mine and I instantly know who it was. Kai. My bottom lip is pulled by my teeth once I feel my throat get dry and my eyes become irritated.

Was coming back a good idea?
I ask myself over and over again.

Her smile radiates the whole room and the chatters begin. A few people notice our resemblance and whispers are gathered for everyone to hear.

I shouldn't have came.

But then again, I needed to come.

The case is still unsolved.... until now. My cousin's death was the talk of the town and it all goes back to what really happened the summer at Camp Hill.


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