.:You Can't Open A Lock Without A Key:. (Ichigo Love Story)*Chapter One*

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Chapter 1

I sat in my desk at school, Rukia sitting acrossed the room from me busy talking with other girls while Keigo, Mizuiro, and Chad standing next to my desk, talking.

"Ichigo, what's wrong with you? You seem spaced out?" Keigo yells in my face.

I pushed his face away from mine and say, "Don't get in my face."

I sighed and closed my eyes, relaxing and thinking about something while Keigo went into a rant and began to say things to Mizuiro who more than likely didn't pay attention to him.

This was the last class of the day and the period was almost over.

Luckily there would be a break coming up soon. It was just a couple days off from school. I opened my eyes and looked up at the clock and saw the day was almost over. Just a few more minutes to go.

"Hey Ichigo!" A girl voice yells. I look over and see Rukia waving at me frantically.

"What is up?" I ask, bored.

"Come here. I have to show you something."

I sighed, but stood up and walked over to her. She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards an are in the room where nobody else was at.

"There is something that is similar to a hollow that has just arrived here. It has strong powers. I am unsure of what it is though."

"I see. So we will need to go find it and observe it. If it is a threat, defeat it. I got it." I say.

Just then, the final bell rang and Keigo yells out, "Bye Ichigo. See you tomorrow morning!!!"

I waved him and the rest of the guys off. I walked out of the school and when I got outside and away from the premises with Rukia, we began to run to where this strange creature with spiritual pressure was at.

I jumped out of my body while Rukia did the same, placing her body somewhere where no one would be suspicious of her.

I ran and looked around for where this thing would be at. But there was nothing around.

"Did it leave?" I ask, looking over at Rukia.

"That's strange." She says. It disappeared....

"I wonder why." I say.

"Maybe something came up but I'm not sure."

"Well whatever it is, It's gone now." I say, walking back to my body and entering at as Rukia did the same.

We began to walk to Urahara's shop while Rukia watched her phone, confused about what had just happened. When we got there, I just walked in and went towards the back where I assumed he would be at.

"Awe, Ichigo and Rukia." Kisuke says, smirking as he saw us step in the back room. "Did you guys sense that strange spiritual pressure?" He asks.

"Yes." Rukia says, "But when we went to go check it out, there was nothing there."

"I see. Have you reported it to Soul Society?"

"No." She says. "I am going to wait and see if this thing shows up again. If it does, I want to try to get a look at it. If it does not seem dangerous, then there is no point in reporting it, but if it is dangerous or I don't see it, then yes I will call it in."

I sat in the room, thinking to myself what happened to whatever was there. It might not show back up either.

I began to get irritated with this whole situation. "Do you think Aizen is behind this?" I ask.

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