2. The Lads

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Okay, things should start to pick up in this chapter :)

Word count: 2052


Sunday night, Niall was at Harry's place watching a movie. They had hung out all day, everyday this weekend, and were now best friends. Harry's mom loved Niall, and so did his big sister. Niall's mom was happy that her son already had a best friend.

"Are you ready to start school tomorrow?" Harry asked once the credits began.

"No. Not sure I ever will be." Niall said sadly.

"It'll be okay, Ni!" Harry assured, rubbing his best friends back.

"I'm scared." Niall admitted. "I'm not really good at-"

"Niall." Harry cut him off, a serious look in his eyes. "You'll be okay. I'll be with you the entire time. And I'll finally introduce you to the lads, and they will love you. Besides basically the entire school is worshiping you! It'll be okay." Harry smiled at Niall, who smiled in return.

"Thanks Haz. You're pretty good at this stuff."

"I know." Harry said dramatically, flipping his hair.

Harry started another movie, and the boys snuggled closer together.


"One more picture!" Maura said, stopping Niall from leaving the apartment.

"Mum! I'm gonna be late!" Niall complained.

"Fine." Maura said, hugging him again. "Be safe, okay baby? And don't get into any trouble. And keep Harry safe. And don't forget to turn in your application today, okay? And talk to the soccer coach! And-"

"I'll be okay, mum. Promise." Niall said, laughing. She smiled at him, ruffling his hair. "Love you!" He called as he headed down the hall to meet Harry.

"Love you, baby!" Maura called.

Niall felt better about starting school today. He had Harry in all his classes, so that solved a lot of his problems. He knocked on the door to Harry's. The door swung open, Gemma standing on the other side.

"Oh, hi Niall!" She said, giving him a hug. "Come in! Mum's still making Harry take pictures." She chuckled. Niall smiled.

"My mum did the same thing."

"Bye mum!" Harry's voice called. He rounded the corner, smiling brightly when he saw Niall.

"Ni!" Harry ran, grabbing the boy in a bear hug. They were dressed almost identically, both in white tops (Harry's was a tight tee, Niall's was a hoodie), black skinny jeans, and red shoes (Niall wore his red converse, while Harry had on some red velvety boots that Niall never pictured himself wearing).

"Bye Harry! Love you!" Anne's voice called.

"Mum's." Harry said, rolling his eyes. "Ready to go?"

Niall nodded, and the boys headed out.


As Harry pulled into the parking lot, Niall got butterflies in his stomach. Harry saw, and gently placed a hand on Niall's knee.

"It'll be okay, Ni! I won't leave your side once today! We can even go to the bathroom together and-"

"I think I'll be okay going to the bathroom, Hazza." Niall said, laughing. Harry laughed too, and parked the car.

"Well Nialler? Ready to meet the lads and get followed around by creepy girls all day?"

"Yup!" Niall said, laughing. They walked towards the door, Harry telling Niall ridiculous jokes to keep his mind off his nerves. Niall couldn't stop laughing. Harry opened the door and they stepped inside, Niall still laughing.

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