1. Moving In

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This chapter might be a little boring bc it's really just kicking things off, but it will get interesting! Promise! :)

Word count: 2460


Niall stepped off the plane, squinting in the bright sunlight. He tightened his grip on his baby blue backpack as he shuffled over to the luggage station. When he spotted his worn suitcase, he reached out and grabbed it. The long, thick, jagged scar on his arm stood out more than ever.

Claustrophobia setting in, Niall quickly shoved his way through the crowd, pushing until he arrived at the less crowded area near the bathrooms. He awkwardly stood there, looking around. He was waiting for his mum to come pick him up. 

"Niall?" A cheery voice called out. Niall turned around. His mum was standing near the airport gates, a gross-looking man besides her. They made eye contact, and his mum smiled.

"Niall! Ni, honey, over here!"

Groaning in embarrassment, Niall gripped the handle on his suitcase and quickly walked over to his mother. She ran to him, wrapping him in a hug so tight he could barely breathe.

"Oh, honey! I've missed you so much! How're you doing? That knee doing a bit better? I know it was bugging you last time I called and-"

"I'm fine, mum. Promise." Niall smiled softly, burring his head in her shoulder. The gross man cleared his throat, and Maura pulled out of the embrace.

"Ni Bear, this is Lester. My boyfriend." Lester grinned at Niall, showing off gorgeous teeth.

Lester was tall, and had long, thick hair. He was clean-shaven, and fairly fit. He had almost yellow eyes, and a sharp jawline. Honestly, he looked like a Calvin Klein model.

"So, you're Niall." Lester said, giving Niall a hug. "I've heard so much about you. Your mom, wonderful woman, is thrilled to have you come stay with us!"

Niall quickly jerked out of Lester's arms. "Wait, us?"

Maura smiled, her arm hooked on Lester's. "Well, things are getting pretty serious, so Lester moved in with me a while back."

As much as Niall wanted his mum to be happy, he did not want to live with this guy. He didn't even know him! How on Earth did his mum expect Niall to trust someone named Lester. Especially after what happened......

"Here, let me help you with your bags, Kiddo." Lester reached out to grab Niall's suitcase, immediately noticing the crooked scar on his arm.

"What happened there?"

Niall paled. Maura noticed how uncomfterable he looked and quickly stepped in.

"Les dear, do you remember what we talked about?" 

Lester nodded in understanding, shooting a sympathetic look at Niall. Lester grabbed Niall's suitcase and backpack, carrying them towards the car. Niall turned to his mother, upset.

"How much did you tell him?"

Maura looked guilty. "Hon, Lester lives with me. He needed to know why you were coming! And I told him everything I know."

Niall sighed in relief. Little did she know, Maura only knew the bare minimum of what went down at his home. It made him feel better, knowing that they knew nothing.

"Where would you like to go for dinner, Love?"

"Can I actually just unpack tonight?" Niall asked, not ready to go into town yet. His mum nodded in understanding.

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