13. Baby Steps

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Word Count: 974


*1 Week Later*

Niall grunted as he moved his leg forward, despite the pain. Gripping onto the physician's arm for dear life, he took a step. And another. And another.

"YES, NIALLER!" Louis cheered as Niall collapsed back onto the bed.

"You're doing great!" Liam encouraged. Niall huffed, pulling himself up to a sitting position.

"Please. It was 4 steps."

"Niall, Doctor Alpa was afraid you'd never be able to use your leg again." Harry reminded. "This is amazing!"

"You've made amazing progress." The physician told him, as he wrote something down on the clipboard. Niall shrugged.

"I just need to get back on the field."

Liam shot Niall a sad look. "Ni, even with all your progress, it'll still be a long time before you can play again."

Niall shrugged again. "We'll see about that."

The door swung open, and in walked a happy Doctor Alpa.

"Niall! You're making so much progress!" Doctor Alpa grinned. "I've never seen someone began the recovery journey so quickly! I've looked over yesterday's test results, and todays physio notes, and I think it's time for you to go home."

Niall smiled as the boys cheered. 

"Now, you'll still be in a wheelchair-"

The boys groaned. Doctor Alpa laughed.

"But, with all this progress? If you keep this up, you could be walking with crutches in a short matter of time! The same rules will apply; no using your leg except for physio. But Niall, if you do this, you'll heal quicker than you think! What do you say?"

"I can go home?" Niall clarified. Doctor Alpa nodded.

A nurse brought in a wheelchair and helped Niall inside. Harry pushed him out, and the boys piled into Louis's car. They drove to the apartment complex, the one Niall hadn't been inside for a month.

Harry opened the door to Niall's apartment, and the boys threw themselves on the couch.

"How does it feel to finally be home, Nialler?" Louis asked. Niall grinned.

"I was so sick of that hospital."

"Niall?" A voice rang out. Maura came out of the kitchen, smiling widely when she saw him. "You're home!" 

"Where's Greg?" Niall asked, not seeing his big brother anywhere. 

"He left last night. Got a warning call from the school saying he needed to quit missing."

"Do you mind if we stay the night, Mrs. Horan?" Liam asked.

"Not at all! Make yourselves at home. I've got work, so just be careful to not burn down the house."

"No promises!" Louis sang.


"Ready?" Harry asked as Liam carefully strapped Niall's wheelchair to the car.

"No." Niall said, glancing at Harry.

"It'll be okay, Nialler!" Louis comforted.

For the first time in a month, Niall was going back to school. He was afraid of what everyone would say. What Coach Pearce would say. Would he get kicked off the team?

As they pulled up to the school, Niall couldn't see anyone hanging out outside. That was strange. Harry grinned as he pushed Niall towards the entrance. Louis and Zayn held open all the doors. Niall was shocked when they went inside.

The entire school was gathered. Holding signs. Balloons and banners were everywhere, all saying things like "We Love You, Niall!" and "We Missed You!" and "Get Well Soon!" Niall turned to look at the boys.


"You like it?" Zayn asked.

"It's--wow." Niall couldn't even find the words. They had actually missed him? All these people actually cared about him? Niall had never felt this...important. This loved.

"Welcome back, Smalls." Coach Pearce stepped out from the crowd of students. He walked up to Niall and gave him a huge bear hug. "We missed you." 

The entire soccer team came forward, crowding around Niall.

"We missed you, Ni." Josh said, giving Niall a hug. "How're you holding up?"

"Good!" Niall grinned. 

"How long are you in the chair?" Another boy asked. Niall shrugged.

"I'm not sure." He glanced at Coach Pearce, panicked. "Am I kicked off the team?" 

Coach Pearce burst out laughing. He grabbed Louis's shoulder for support, doubling over in laughter. "N-n-n-n-no! Of course not!" He stuttered out. He straightened up, trying to regain his breath. 

"I'm not?" Niall confirmed. 

"Absolutely not!"


"I still don't like her." Maura mumbled as she pushed Niall through the front doors. Niall chuckled lightly.

"Mum, she helped a lot. I wanna keep going to her."

Maura beamed at him, thrilled he was finally on the mend. Irene turned the corner, heels clicking loudly.

"Niall! Good to see you again! Right this way!" 

He waved goodbye to Maura before wheeling himself into the therapist's office. Irene sat behind her usual desk.

"How've things been since we last saw each other?" 

"Good!" Niall exclaimed. "Harry and the boys were with me the whole time I was in the hospital. And today, everyone surprised me at school!"

He told Irene the story of what happened when he went to school. She was thrilled. 

He was finally making progress.


*1 Month Later*

Niall gripped the handle to his crutch tightly as he climbed out of the car.

"That was such a good movie!" Liam said for the 2000000th time that night.

"We know !" Louis groaned. Niall laughed as the two began their usual banter. He yelped as he was thrown over Harry's shoulder.

"Harry!" Niall laughed as Harry ran up the stairs, making Niall bounce up and down. "What're you doing?"

"I'm not letting you walk up those stairs on crutches! You could get hurt!" 

Niall sighed as Harry kicked open Louis's door, dumping Niall onto the couch.

"What're we gonna do?" Zayn asked, once all the boys were settled in the living room. Louis grinned as he pulled a Nerf gun out of the crack between the couch cushions. 



There's literally one chapter left...I can't believe it!! Thanks to everyone who's stuck with this...interesting story. Please comment and vote!! <3

Alsoooo, hopefully by the end of the day, I'll have a new part of my 1D Oneshots up...this one is interesting, so please check it out!!

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