Chapter 50

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I woke up happy and warm, except I was a bit sore from the night before. I smiled thinking about what went on last night, and I cuddled deeper into Marshall's chest.

I heard him yawn and I felt him lean down to kiss the top of my head. I looked up to see my sweet Marshall Lee smile down at me. I grinned and leaned up to peck his warm lips.

"Did you have fun last night?" he asked me groggily.

"Best honeymoon ever," I said with a giggle and a bit of a blush.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said and winked, kissing my forehead.

I smiled and leaned up to give him a real kiss.

Kissing Marshall Lee was never the same every single time. It always gave me that rush; that tingly feeling in my body. He always made me melt in such a passionate way. He made me desire him. He pulled away from me, grinning that beautiful grin that I loved so much.

"How are you feeling?" he asked sweetly.

"A little sore, but I'm fine," I said with a smile wide enough to split my face in half.

"Good, you're going to have to be comfortable for the ride home today," he said.

"What? Home already?" I asked him.

"Well, yeah, what else are we going to do here? We went to the beach already, and I'm not sure if you're up for another round of sex," he said with a smirk.

Well, hell yeah, I was up for another round. I was just too sore for that today.

"Well, there's that amusement park that's a few miles down the road from here," I said sweetly.

"You want to go there?" he asked.

"I would like to," I said with a small smile.

"Then, amusement park it is," he said happily. "Let's go get dressed."

Marshall Lee got up and walked into the big closet, and I followed slowly behind. I wanted to be mean today and tease Marshall Lee, so I squeezed my ass into a tight pair of white skinny jeans. I wore a plain black t-shirt that was a little too short, so when I lifted my arms, you could see my waist and my belly button.

I pulled on my pink socks with white hearts on them and I smacked Marshall's ass as I walked out of the closet and into the bathroom. I turned around and saw him smirking. I giggled and walked over to the mirror, beginning to brush my teeth.

I looked down at the sink, rinsing my toothbrush out, when I felt two hands on my hips. I looked up at the mirror slowly, and sure enough, there was Marshall Lee.

"You didn't think you could tease me, did you?" he asked me, rubbing my thighs. I swallowed hard.

"N-no.." I stuttered.

"Good," he hissed and pressed a kiss to my neck. I shivered and stood there, motionless. He grinned with satisfaction and grabbed his toothbrush.

I left the bathroom, obviously frustrated in more ways than one.

I decided to cook up some breakfast for my husband. I knew he loved my strawberry tarts. I pulled out the left over dough from the fridge so I could roll it out. I cut it, so it would fit in my mini baking tins. They were just so cute!

I put the crusts in the oven to bake, and I whipped up the strawberry filling. By the time I finished up, Marshall came downstairs.

"What's that smell, Babe? Are you making cookies?" he asked me.

"Nope, just a little something for breakfast," I said and giggled.

"You're the best," he said. I just blushed.

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