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No ones pov

it was night now and Toru had decided she would go into the woods for the first few nights of being alone. though the one problem was this. while she was walking towards the woods and into them a scream wad heard from inside. Toru gulped. that may mean there was a villain in the woods. she still walked on following the sound of screaming and calls for help. suddenly the screams just stopped and a flash went past her. a black dark shadow like flash. sadly the shadow must not have noticed her floating clothing and slammed into her. making both fall over. the shadow was a man with a scarf and he was holding a bloody looking little boy in his arms. when their eyes met Toru tried to get up and run. Aizawa was the person who was staring her in the eyes. 
"Hagakure get out of the woods and get on my back. you're explaining why you are here later." he said quickly while she slowly got on his back terrified. 

~time skip~

after Aizawa had brought the little boy to the hospital and and told his loving parents what had happened Aizawa brought Toru to his house. it was small but cozy.

Toru pov

Aizawa had a friendly looking house but I was too nervous and scared to even think about it at the moment.
"why were you in the woods Toru Hagakure?" he asked me using my full name. I trembled but not from cold.
"I-I..." looking down I realized my voice wouldn't just say what I was being asked. I was unable to say that I had been trying to run away from home and escape my hell called life.
"Toru the boy I rescued earlier was trying to run away. were you also trying to leave your home?" he asked me. I froze up solid as ice. I couldn't breath or move he had figured out what I was doing and I couldn't say a word.

I was never smiling (Depressed Toru Hagakure)Where stories live. Discover now