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No ones pov

The next day after Aizawa got back From work and Toru from school. They went back home inviting Toru's parents to talk about the current issue at hand. A knock at the door signifies that the mother and father were here. 

Aizawa pov

I was headed to the door when Toru slid in front of me and opened it bowing to her parents. I watched as the mother grimaced at her own daughter after not seeing her for a period of time.

" Mr and Ms. Hagakure your daughter and MY student has tried to run off. Do you of why this may have happened?" I asked the couple. The father said nothing and the mother glared at Toru who was sitting besides me not anywhere near her own parents. There're was something off about the way the family looked and acted around each other. Toru shifted on the couch closer to me.

" I know nothing of the sort. The brat is ungrateful for her life. She thinks that just because she is invisible doesn't mean she can't shine and be a lovely girl without people being able to see her! I mean honestly what do you think about a invisible girl trying to look nice? It's just ridiculous!!!" The mother howled with laughter. It sickened me. 

" that's no way to speak to my student. And your own child. She is a perfectly good human being with us far from what I can say about you right now. Is this how she always speaks to you TORU?" I ask using the girls first name. 

" yeah...... I am truly Sorry mother for disobeying your orders but I actually trust Aizawa sense I and I- to tell you the truth don't trust you." Toru said then laid down and put her head in my lap. I felt her body was shaking yet I couldn't see her body at all. The girls mother was enraged and I finally understood. Toru hates her family. Her mother is abusive and cruel hearted and her father seemily does nothing about it. It is time for her to be removed from that household. Maybe I can take her in for a little. She did say she trusts me...

I was never smiling (Depressed Toru Hagakure)Where stories live. Discover now