Chapter One

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Kaya was never one for airplanes. I mean- how could she be? She had spent her whole life on the ground or on the sea- not floating in a giant chunk of metal thousands of miles into the air. So, going to the airport for the first time, was definitely a new experience. And, to add insult to injury, she was all alone.

She was traveling from her small island of Samos to the biggest city in the world, Icaria. Icaria was a metropolis, known for its success and was looked up to as the most powerful country of all. A literal utopia. The second most populated country, Skyros was a close second, it was east of Icaria, but paled in comparison. It wasn't nearly as advanced, but it produced many athletic proteges. It was also where most of the remnants of the magic community resided. Samos was third, it surrounded Icaria and contained most of the world's middle class. Samos island generated most of the wealth for Samos, as it was a tourist attraction and no other beaches could compare. Lastly, there was Paros. Most people who lived here were poor, and worked in Icaria, sending their money back to their families here. Paros was overrun with crime, and the only thing that was preventing its collapse was the Mafia.

They were known as Broken Space, and were feared by almost everyone in the world. They controlled the Paros government, as well as most of the country's capital.

The cool air of the airport brushed against Kaya's skin as she walked in, which caused goosebumps to spread over her body. She stopped rolling her purple suitcase and stood still to take in the scene in front of her. It was about 7 pm, and her flight was scheduled to depart for 9 pm. 'This feels so official now.' She thought to herself as she looked around at the amount of people bustling by.

This was Kaya's first time leaving the island of Samos, which made everything feel so foreign. The reason for her leaving was a bit foreign to her as well. She received an offer from Worcester University in Icaria- the biggest, most bustling city in the world. 'Why would they want me?' Was the only thought going through her head. She was planning on majoring in hospitality, so she would be able to help with the hotel that her mother owns.

She began to walk toward security, almost running into people who were rushing past to check in. "Passport. ID." The security guard snapped before Kaya handed them over. "Kaya Kane." The woman muttered while scanning Kaya's ID. She stamped Kaya's passport, then pushed them back to her. "Safe travels." The woman grunted, then called the next person in line.

After this, Kaya headed over to her gate, and sat down with her suitcase next to her feet. She took out her phone to look over the information in the email her school sent about her arrival. "Please make sure to check in with the front desk before you head to your assigned dorm. Class starts at 8 am sharp tomorrow, can't wait to see you there!" It read at the end. 'The nerve of these people. 8 am? And I don't arrive until 12 am? They have another thing coming to them.' Kaya scoffed as she put her phone back in her pocket. 

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