Chapter 5

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I lost it.

I barged into the room practically ripping the door of its hinges. Only to face the Demon Twins.

"You killed my parents and had the balls to ask me for help even though you know what I can do!" I yelled at them and their face slowly turned pale.

"Well, we're gonna go now, bye." Lou says grabbing Mickey and leaves.

"I bet 50 bucks, he's gonna turn them into hotdogs." Mickey whispers before closing the door behind her.

"Kai we can-"

"Shut up! You ruined fucking my life, you took the most important people in my life and left me to pick up broken pieces of myself. And thanks to you I am standing in the ashes of who I used to be." I took a breath.

Staring at them dead in the eyes.

I can feel the temperature of the room rising, getting hotter by the minute.

6 years ago.
It was a beautiful sunny Saturday. Mom and Dad thought that we should go camping because the next day was my birthday.
So I invited Ilaria, Mr. and Mrs. Serebryanyy. Nash and Mr. and Mrs. Argento.
We went camping at the clan woods, where there was no dangerous animals or Shadow creatures.
"Kai come here, we're going to make s'mores." Dad yelled calling me over.
"Coming Dad!" I jumped out the tent.
Sitting in my camping chair between Nash and Ilaria, holding my marshmallow above the fire.
All of the adults were on the other side of the camp fire.
"Kai, you know tomorrow is your birthday. So we wanted to give this to you early. We love you no matter who or what you are, we want you to have this." Mom said giving me a book.
Turning the old book to see its cover, "The Beginning Of Light" a book about the Soldiers of Nature.
"Wolves!" Mr. Argento shouted who pointed their finger at the woods.
"Protect the kids!" Mom shouted while she pulled her gun out, ready to shoot.
I turned my head only to be faced with two giant black wolves that snarled and growled.
Suddenly one jumped and lands on top of me, hitting my head when I hit the ground- passing out.
When I came too, I saw the two werewolves on top of my parents.
"You will die first before you can put a hand on my son." My Mom spat at them.
Before she could say anything else both the wolves ripped both my parents' throat out with their teeth.
"No!" I screamed.
The two wolves looked up at me and I just lost it.
Something hiding inside me came raging out, I looked down at my hands and they were on fire. It didn't hurt at all, when I looked up again the wolves were ready to charge at me.
I closed my fists and pointing them at the wolves. The second I opened my fists fire orbs shot out of my hands hitting both of the wolves, resulting them to catch on fire.
My hands weren't on fire any more, I fell on my knees and started sobbing.
I'm all alone

Coming back to reality, I see Hayden coughing uncontrollably. He was choking on his own blood that started to fill into his lungs.

Lucian's skin started turn into burnt blisters as the temperature continues to rise.

"Kai please, I'm begging you. Don't do this, this is not you." Lucian begs me.

"You know nothing about me!" I spat back at him.

"Lucian give him the book." Hayden managed to say as he kept on coughing out more blood.

With a swift move of my right hand all the blood in Hayden's lungs disappeared, resulting in him to stop choking.

Lucian turns around walking behind the desk, opening a drawer taking out a book.

"Here." Lucian says holding a book towards me.

Taking the book from Lucian and turning it around, only to see what is says...The Beginning Of Light.

It's my book. The one that Mom and Dad gave me.

I can feel as tears started to form in my eyes.

"You know, I always wanted to have a fur coat made from Lycan fur." I say looking directly at Lucian.

Both Lucian and Hayden looks like they're ready to throw up.


Walking out of the Pack House straight to the woods behind it. I turned my head to see the mansion as part of it is being consumed by fire.


Must be a gas tank.

Walking in the woods, I came to a stop in front of a giant fallen oak tree.

Sitting on it and opening the book, flipping through the pages I see something really familiar. It has the same drawing as the card that Demon left behind, taking the card out from my pocket.

It is the same one Saints of Light. I looked down and started to read what the book has to say about them.

"The Saints of Light is an agency who's purpose was to protect the Earth, similar to the Soldiers of Nature. They worked with the Light Creatures.

Light Creatures are an almost extinct race just like the Soldiers. They are the opposite of Shadow Creatures they are kind, caring and a calm race.

Since the War of Light, the Saints of Light has been working on ways to exterminate all those of evil, such as the Shadow Creatures and the hu-"

"Ow!" I say when felt something sting me in my neck.

Pulling out the reason for the pain in my neck, only to realise that it is a tranquilize dart I was holding.

My vision starts to get blurry, turning my head to the direction where the dart came from. Only seeing blurry figures coming towards me, they kind of look like angels.

I fell unconscious.


Total words: 973

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