Chapter 27

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I reach the other side of the portal and the only thing I feel is exhaustion.

Without the spirits, we're as good as dead.

"Now what?" This time it was June talking.

"Now we get everyone and fight." Sitara says.

It would've been nice if Vídarr could've opened a portal to another world and we could've been done with this.

"Vídarr, can you somehow open a portal to another world?" Asking the Demon, who is sitting on a chair and holding a cup of coffee,

He takes a minute to think.

"I can, but that needs a lot of energy, and souls." He answers.

I was about to open my mouth but then got interrupted by Timber.

Oh shit, I forgot he still existed.

"We might get help from those worlds in the fight." Timber insisted.

"That might work, but like I said, I need a lot of energy and it might even kill me."

"So that's a no." I randomly said.

One of Madam Elizabeth's guards burst through the door only to whisper something in her ear.

Due to the news delivered by the guard, her eyes widened.

He steps back and leaves the room.


"They're on their way here." She slowly says

She looks up at us.

"They're sending a few troops here. We need to get ready NOW!"

"Everyone knows what to do!"

Running out of the room and straight down the hall, opening the last door on the left, which leads to the Artillery Room.

In the room, there were people already getting ready, grabbing knives, shotguns, and pistols, while others were taking sniper rifles and assault rifles.

I grabbed the closest thing to me, and that included two modernized revolvers, a survival knife, and a grenade.

I also took the last bulletproof vest and quickly put it on and made an exit. I leave the building and go hide with the others in the court yard.

Madam Elizabeth slowly crawled towards me, still trying to stay away from the window.

"My guard just informed me that they are close. She said there were werewolves among them and a helicopter." She barely spoke above a whisper.

Nodding in return, I turn to Vidarr.

"Where are the children?"

"They're in the vault beneath the castle." He replies.

After a while, you could hear the whirring of the helicopter getting closer.

Hearing a loud thump, I turn my face a little to gaze out of the window, seeing the main gate felled on the ground and the enemies starting to flood into the courtyard.

Looking around the yard, I saw the weeds had grown between the concrete and the Grimm Roses, almost engulfing an entire wall. It looks like this place was abundant for a really long time.

The whirring helicopter hovered over the yard and inspected the helicopter, seeing the Hunter logo on its tail, and there was a mounted gun on the side of it.

"This is a waste of time! No one is here!" That Abominable Shit Goblin shouted on top of his lungs.

"Uh, Sargent Daniels, that plant is moving," One of the hunters said.

Looking to where the hunter was pointing at the Grimm Roses, it started to move and Spring emerged from the bush. He was crawling over to Daniels and making himself look smaller.

"I wonder how the bitch looks that gave birth to this ugly fuck." Daniels laughs at his own pathetic attempt at a joke.

The other hunters started to laugh as well, and Daniels turned his back to Spring.

Never turn your back on a wendigo; always keep them in your sights.

Spring slowly lifted himself up from the ground and stood on his hind legs, which made him scaringly tall.

The Hunters stopped laughing, but Daniels didn't.

Spring lowered his head next to Daniels' and opened his mouth, and the only thing coming out was a little girl's voice screaming for help.

Daniels stopped laughing and started to scream as Spring drove his talons into Daniels' back and lifted him off the ground.

With one hand, he was pushing Daniels forward and the other pulling him.

And Sargent Daniels let out a painful scream. I immediately closed my eyes before hearing a tearing sound and a splat. I opened

my eyes again to see Sergeant Daniels lying on the ground with his entire back soaked in his blood and Spring holding his spine in his hand that still dripped blood.


"Shoot that thing!" Someone screamed.

They started shooting at Spring, so he started jumping around the place, dodging each and every bullet that was aimed at him.

He eventually jumped onto the wall and started crawling onto it like a spider. He crawled onto the roof and leaped onto the helicopter.

He punched one of them, making them fall backwards out of the helicopter.

It started to sway from side to side and, with another scream, the windshield got splattered with blood, blocking the pilot's sight.

It began losing air and flew over the wall and crashed on the other side of it, causing a boom, and smoke started to come from the crashed helicopter.

Soon after, Spring climbed onto the roof and let out a warrior cry while holding his hand in the air only to hold onto a severed head.

"Now!" I yelled.

All of us came out of our hiding places.

Now we fight.

Taking out the knife and grabbing it by the point of it, he throws it at a hunter right before he could shoot someone.

I take the revolver and start shooting at the wolves.

"Over here, boys." Michelle says.

She took her sunglasses off and both the hunters and werewolves looked at her.

They were in a trance, so they turned around and kicked off, shooting and attacking their own.

Out of nowhere, a wolf jumped onto me, falling onto the ground, and snarled while on top of me.

It snapped and bared its teeth at me.

Soon it started getting closer to my face and began snapping its teeth, trying to bite my face off.

I grabbed the wolf by the cheeks and pushed its face away from mine.

As I start to lose strength in my arms, it is still trying to shove its face away from me.


And the wolf stopped, then collapsed on me. I moved my head away from the wolve's head on my head.

It's dead.

Looking at its head, I saw a bullet wound.

Looking to my right, I see the end of a pistol.

And the person holding it is none other than Nash.


Total words 1108

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