Danielle Phantom.

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Two days ago, Sam had left for her daily walk on the family estate. Their mare was attracted to a very strange sanctuary where they discover, in the center, passed out, a young girl of 12 years old. Quickly back, a team of doctors arrived after an hour of waiting to examine and treat the girl. The diagnosis was clear: everything was fine. Sam felt relieved, all this child needed was rest. A lot of rest. Obviously, Sam asks for the entire results having noticed the strange attitude of the doctors. The paper in her hands, in her room, she was reading it.


Name: Unknown.
First name: Unknown.
Age: 5 years old.
Nationality: Unknown.
Eyes : blue.
Hair : Dark.
Size: 1.25m. (~4.10 feet)
Weight: 30 kg.
Skin: Whitish.
Body temperature: 25 °.
BPM: 42.
Blood group: O- 
(the blood contains 70% ectoplasm, we deduce an extraterrestrial nature.)
Nature: Human, Ghost.
DNA: Fenton. "

Sam couldn't get over it. A hybrid? No, not possible. However, it was necessary to wait two long days and a good meal ingested before the girl could finally talk. Dressed by Sam with red shorts, blue and white sneakers, a white t-shirt and a blue hooded sweatshirt. In addition, the gothic had been right for the eyes of the young child.

"Have you eaten enough? Are you sure?" Worries Pam.
"Yes ma'am! Thank you very much for your hospitality. My father will give it back to you." She smiles, polite.
"Oh but it is not necessary. We live well enough." Jeremy replied. Sam meets the girl's eyes and she gives him a broad smile. "Are you the one, thanks to whom, I'm alive?" She asks.
Sam was surprised, no one had ever talk to here in this way.* "Uh ... Yes, I found you in some sort of sanctuary in the forest. You were hidden by the tall grass." She explains briefely.
The little girl was suddenly startled, realizing something. "But ... what day is it?"
"July 18."
Sam answers.
"I beg your pardon ?!" The little girl, panicking, gets up. "But the last time I saw my father was ... A week ago? Oh no ..."
"Calm down first, okay?"
Approaches the gothic before putting a hand on her shoulder, reassuring. "We will find a way to return to your father." She smiles.
".... Okay."
She is breathing deeply to regain her composure.

Sam invites the little one to follow her to the farm, taking care of the animals while they are chatting would certainly keep her calm. The first thing the little girl asked was "Are they alive?" Sam was only half surprised. If the youngster was really half-ghost then she didn't often have to see real beings. Until snack time then, Sam taught young Danielle to take care of certain animals, how to approach them, their specificities, their very history. Of course when the little girl saw Sirocco she wanted the ride at all costs but Sam preferred to wait until she was fully recovered. Pamela leaves the house with a tray of cookies and milk, of course Danielle was hungry. Sitting on a picnic bench not far from the house, they took a snack.

"So ... Danielle, right?" Request confirmation Sam.
"That's right, Danielle Phantom. And you, Samantha Manson." She smiles and Sam nods.
"Where are you from? I'm curious to know where the half ghosts live."
"We live in the Ghost Zone with my father, even if I feel at home there is often not enough food."
She paused before swallowing a whole cookie. "So, it's not uncommon for me to go to humans to eating." Sam was surprised.
"Besides, my father is 20 years old and is a damseau."
Tease the little one. "It's a heart to take." She laughs softly.
"Yes, well, he will still have to search." Sam replies with a laugh. Danielle took an outraged break.
"How? You refuse to the King? What a tragedy!" Keep laughing Danielle. Sam on the other hand had frozen.
"Sorry? King? I didn't know that ghosts had sovereigns ..."
"Oh ... Hm ... Pariah Dark was considered the King due to his power. And was sealed because it was too dangerous. 6 years ago, he was released and my father defeated him . Making him the new King in a way. "
Danielle explains while remaining brief.
"So you're a princess, I understand your behavior better." Sam was staring at his glass of almond milk.
"My father must be in awe, I never left more than five days without news."
"And how do you get into the ghost realm?"
"... I do not know."
She admits surprise. "I do not know anymore."
"Don't you know? Yet the doctors haven't detected a side effect or anything ..."
Sam thinks quickly. "What do you remember?"
"I huh ... I see myself perfectly telling my father that I was going into the human world and I left our lair and there ..."
Danielle realizes that she simply has no roof left no memory. "The black hole..."
"It does not matter, I will try to conduct research on my side. You will return to your father, I promise you."
Smiles Sam.
"Is that true? Thank you very much Miss Samantha!" The little girl stands up very happy.
"Sam, and adress as tu to me."
"Okay thank you Sam!"


* = How explaining... In english "Tu"(you) and "Vous"(you) are differents. "Tu" is for closer persons like friends, family, or it's said by a director to their employees. But "Vous" is more formal said to people we don't know, said by the monarcs (to a King at his queen or childs)... Brief... Danielle talks very formal in the french version and... I don't know how to translate it proprely xD So take the note in mind... 

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