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Chapter four; secret softie

    A knock was heard from the door and you just hummed, not having the energy to reply normally. “Hey,

    “Hey. You said lowly, almost whispered but not quite at the same time. “What's up?”

    “I just wanted to check up on ya. How are you now?” Hawks asked as he quickly entered the room you were in.

    “Fine I guess. This much care wasn't needed for a simple wound.” You replied as you continued grabbing your costume and school uniform and then placing them inside your school suitcase.

    “It's better to check up instead of letting you go and then having to treat yourself alone. We wouldn't want to leave you unattended, now would we?” He placed his palms on his hips, a smirk, like always, present on his face.

    “I don't mind. I can do it by myself too, you know.” You answered as you grabbed your suitcase and threw it back on your shoulder. A wince left your lips as the pain that you felt that moment coming from your back, hit hard.

    “Woah!” Hawks commented as he quickly took the suitcase away from your hurt shoulder. “I know we said that the injury was treated but you can't put anything on it just yet. It'll hurt a lot.”

    “Nah, it's fine really.” You replied as you tried to take back your respective suitcase from his hands, something that was proven very difficult, almost impossible.

    “Nah uh! I won't let you take that from me!” He raised his hand above his head in a try to make it completely impossible from getting.

    “You know my quirk is float, right?” You deadpanned as you quickly crossed your arms across your chest, your foot tapping against the floor in a way to show your annoyance and impatience.

    “But the nurse advised you to take a break from using it until tomorrow.” He corrected you happily, watching your irked expression only worsen with his actions.

    “That doesn't stop me from doing so though.” You stated as a sly smirk made its way on your face. “You can't block me, Hawky.”

    “Pff, try me.”

    “For fuck's shake.” With that you you swiftly passed him and started walking ahead. When you realized he wasn't coming with you to stoped in your trucks. “If you're gonna carry it might as well follow me suit.”

    His eyes lit up as he immediately came by your side. “Looks like I broke a cell.” He smiled proudly as he threw the suitcase over his shoulder, the pose you had intended to do but failed miserably.

    “The only cell you broke was my last braincell.” You deadpanned lowly as an irked mark appeared on your forehead once again.

    “You're so easy to tease!” Hawks joked and snickered after earning yet another glare from your direction. “Still are if you ask me.” He soon placed his free hand inside his pocket. “Can I ask something?” His voice became more serious and you just hummed in return, signaling him to continue. “Since you're supposedly a third year, you don't have that much experience. And please don't take it in a bad way, I'm just curious as to why is that.”

    “Simple.” You replied as you tried to control the anger building up inside you from the sudden insult you weren't at all waiting. “It's the first time I actually got to rescue someone. Even it turned out they were paid actors.” You explained as calmly as you could master.

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