[Entry 20] Addressing the Elephant in the Room

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BLOG ENTRY TWENTY:  Ooooh, the holidays, a time for family to come together and pretend they are not the least bit annoyed by their relatives relatively terrible gift giving capabilities.  

Christmas at the Tombstone household is a big one, always filled with thirty people who I only ever see once a year (and for some, it's one too many).  I bite my tongue as my grandmother rattles off a number of racist comments and pretend to not notice my aunt and uncle making out under the mistletoe.  

But to address the elephant in the room, the missing chair at the head of the table was reserved for my grandfather, a man with too many interests for his own good.  He was out three days ago in Las Vegas and passed out after having his four o'clock wine, right in the middle of the casino.  Robbed of his consciousness and his money, he was admitted into a nearby hospital.  His admittance came with a terribe diagnosis:  he was in a coma.  Despite all this though, Grandmother still sits with her strong face on.  The rest of us knew not to mention him; she was already biting people's heads off as it was.  We didn't need another Thanksgiving 2009.  

Anyway, Merry Christmas!  Stay safe, drink  your cousin's wine when they're not looking, and fake smile even for the awful gifts! 

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