[Entry 18] Justice for __! I Left This Blank Because I'll Need it Next Year.

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BLOG ENTRY EIGHTEEN: The events in Ferguson have had a huge impact on me. I realized that the world I live in isn't the just about me (shocker!). But, I have yet to understand why they let Darren Wilson go free.

In my possibly biased opinion, Darren Wilson killed a man, thus deserves to put in jail, no matter what the circumstances were. Wilson has told police that the environment was "hostile" and he felt "threatened." A police officer who cannot control his actions under "hostile" environments doesn't deserve to be a police officer at all.

Everything else that I want to say that I feel like should be heard, I have been by Ms. Nosy Lady that it'd be ill advised to post online. Just know that I am greatly disappointed in the grand jury's decision and the injustice that has been occurring all over the world for centuries.


Please note that all above statements are simply opinions and are not meant to spark any shape or form of controversy.

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