We're free or so we thought

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Terror filled all of our faces as we saw Gally standing behind us. He looked so broken, he was on the edge of spilling tears like a over flowing sink.
"Gally" thomas moved closer towards him
Teresa then grabbed his arm and pulled him back "don't he's been stung" she spoke

I couldn't help but feel my eyes dampen. You could see he was in pain, tears streamed down his face, his cheeks were bright red and he had several injuries.
"I can't let you leave" he spoke between whimpers
I felt newt clutch me closer towards him and I could see some people grasping their weapons harder.
"Gally we're free" thomas reassured

Gally then pulled out a gun that was resting in his pocket. He slowly pointed it towards thomas, gally was shaking and the gun rattled as he pointed it towards my brother.
"Free you really think we're free out there" gally spoke
Things started to sink in now thomas could be dead in seconds..anyone could.
I was scared as hell I felt like my feet would give way,I was trembling.

Thomas raised his hands as if he was surrendering, I stepped out of newts reach and moved towards Gally "gally just put the gun down" I spoke softly
Gally took a step back and was pointing the gun between the both of us.
"Lara" I heard newt whisper
Thomas started to move towards Gally which then grabbed his attention. Gally pointed the gun towards thomas "we belong to the maze" gally spoke and a loud gunshot pierced everyone's ears.

Everything happened so quick in those couple of seconds but it all seemed to go in slow motion. I saw something fly through the air and when I looked at Gally a spear buried it's way into his heart. But it was too late the shot was fired and I knew someone got hit.
A immense pain filled my body emotionally and physically I looked over to my right to see mouths moving...screaming but I heard no sound.
Thomas fell to the ground, my eyes filled and poured out salty tears. The figure of a limp body fell to the ground and I could see the heaving chest rise and fall quickly they were gasping for breath.

I limped over towards the dying boy


"NOOO" I screamed I slammed myself on the ground next to chuck, his eyes kept darting around the room till they found Thomas's. Blood was draining out of his stomach and I did my best to place pressure but it didn't work...he was losing too much blood and he was going to lose his life

"HEY HEY CHUCK" thomas cried
I could hear muffled cries from everyone that stood around us
"NO CHUCK STAY WITH US OK" I was crying hysterically
My hands were covered in blood and chucks harsh breathing stopped for a minute.

His hand slowly slipped into mine and he placed the wooden person he carved  at the bonfire. How I missed the days when everything was peaceful and ok
I knew now he would never see his parents again and the promise would be broken that me and thomas wouldn't be able to return him home

"Thank you thank you" he gasped
"NO CHUCK" I cried
"Thank you" he repeated one more time
His hand fell out of mine and laid limp on the floor
"NO" I screamed
I buried my forehead on his chest and sobbed loudly
Thomas was screaming and crying as he tried to shake him hoping he would wake up.

Tears blurred my vision but I could see dark shadows moving in front of a bright light that brightened up the room.
I raised off of the ground to see the incoming intruders but fell back down instantly snacking the back of my head hard on the floor.

I reached out to my hip and blood was soaking my clothes..that's when it hit me I was shot as well.
My breathing intensified and i saw figures lean over me.
I saw several of the same person, my vision was going blurry and my breathing started to go shallow

I could just about make out the face that was inches from mine. Newts eyes were damp with tears and he had pure terror on his face "Its ok you're going to be fine just stay awake" he spoke

Everything was happening so quick and the figures were dragging some of the gladers out of the door.
My whole life was rushing by me but I wasn't afraid I was calm and I felt at peace. I wasn't ready to go but if death is this peaceful I would feel complete.
I could feel an arm go under my back and behind my legs the next thing I remember was I was lifted in the air.

My wound didn't hurt i couldn't feel a thing i was numb..I was numb from all the sorrow. My arms flung out limp as newt carried me out into the daylight.

"HEY KEEP THOSE EYES OPEN" newt was trying to run, I could feel the heat burning on my skin that's all I could feel.
My eyes kept a gaze on the sky it was bright blue with a few clouds, now and again newt would look at me in the eyes and then look forward keeping track of where we were going.

My neck kept tilting back everytime I was threatening to go unconscious but I kept fighting. I made it this far I thought ...its over I escaped now let's not make it over for good I thought

I could feel my body touch the coldness of something...what it was I have no idea
My mind wasn't in the mood to do a lot of thinking
I could hear the swooshing sound of air around me and a deep grumble of an engine thats when I felt the gravity leave my stomach we were in the air.
I realised we were in a helicopter although I never remember being in one before.
My vision was still blurry but I was able to focus on newts features.
My head was resting on his lap and i could feel his touch soothing my hair.

Thomas appeared in the corner of my eye and he held my hand "you're going to be alright" he spoke, tear stains spread across his cheeks
I squeezed his hand as a response I then lifted my left hand and to find the carved wood was still placed in my hand the only thing that changed about it was it was stained with blood.
I dropped my hand back down and the thought of chuck dying replayed all over again in my head.

My eyes were now fluttering shut and my chest started to fall slower and slower
"HEY LARA HEY" thomas shouted
My eyes stopped fluttering and they shut completely I was being consumed by darkness once again. The world around me went quiet, everything was still and silent. I felt at peace but before I slipped away the painful cries of newt filled my ears

Authors note
Well that's the end of my first fanfiction for the maze runner but if you enjoyed this I'm going to start to write a fanfiction on the second film/book of the series...scorch trials
So if you want you can check that out and I can assure you I have some good plans for the next adventure we'll go on.

Also thank you for reading I hoped you liked it and if theres anything you want to see in the next book I'm up for suggestions 🙂
Edit: I have now started the scorch trials fanfiction on my channel

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