🥀Chapter 12: Office🥀

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"Mr. Kim and his family are coming to Thailand today. Since Singto won't be available today, I want you to go pick them up and take them to a hotel. The address to the airport is here and the hotel I want you to take them to." Off said as he gave Mike the paper.

Currently, they were at the headquarters. Off was sitting behind his desk, on his comfortable chair, as he had Mike come over for an important task. The Kim family just came to Thailand from their business in China and it's very important that Off takes care of them, because they are a very important client to his business. They'll go back to Korea in a few weeks but until then, is Off's responsibility to take care of them.

"Also, get presents for his children and wife. His daughter, Kim Seolhyun, is 22 and finds out what's trending these days for womens. Here is the card." Off hands Mike his one of many cards.

"Alright boss." Mike took the card.

"You can leave now." Off told the bodyguard before going back to his work.

Mike bowed at him as he was about to leave but Off suddenly called him. "Oh also, about yesterday." Mike shivers at the tone. "I'm not doing anything to you because of Gun, but I better not see you near him again, unless you have to do your job."

"Yes, I'm sorry sir. I didn't know things could get that complicated." He bowed again to apologize.

"Whatever, just leave and never go near him."

Mike turned around and walked towards the door, feeling relieved that he didn't get fired. He was expecting Off to blow up at him and ruin his life but thank goodness he was saved.

He got out of the room and closed the door. At least now he doesn't have to worry and do his job properly. He opened the folder that was in his hand and started looking at the address and some information about the Kim family as he walked further away from Off's office. Since he was paying much attention to his paper instead of his surroundings, he didn't notice the little guy running at his way until they bumped into each other.

"Oww!" The small figure cried as he fell to the ground.

"Oh, I'm sor- Gun?" Mike froze for a few seconds as he looked at the little guy on the floor. "What are you doing here?" He quickly helped the little stand up.

"Hi P'Mike." The little brushed the dust off his clothes. "Where is daddy?!"

"Gun, you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here? It's too dangerous for you." Mike said as he looked behind Gun, hoping to find who bought him here.

"I came here with P'New... But, I don't know where he is." Gun looked at Mike, who still wasn't looking at him but behind him. "Are you mad?" His voice got quiet.

Mike sighs. "No, it's... It's not that." He looks at Gun and kneels down to his level. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to run around here. If the boss finds out, he's going to get mad."

"Oh... But I wanted to see daddy." Gun pouts.

"I know. But if you go in there alone right now, he's going to get mad. Where is P'New?"

"Umm..." Gun looks behind him before looking at Mike. "I- I don't know." He panicked.

The truth was, New was talking to someone for a few seconds and he ran, even though he was not supposed to and now he's lost.

"Okay, don't worry. I'll find him." Mike gave the little a smile, to get him to come down since he noticed Gun was getting teary.

He took out his walkie-talkie before bringing it close to his mouth. "This is K2 and I have Gun with me at hallway 13. If anyone sees boss New, bring him here. Over." He spoke. They waited for a few seconds before someone spoke from the other side.

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