Chapter 5 - Nursery Memories & Propositions

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Walking into the classroom as she clutched her mum's hand, Isabelle could see there were lots of children in the classroom. She couldn't help but hold her Mum's hand tighter and look up at her for help. Crouching down beside her daughter, Maria stroked her cheek and gave her a kiss.

"You are going to have such an amazing day, my love. And, you are going to make lots of friends."

Isabelle's heart fluttered with nerves. "What if I don't Mummy?"

"You will always have tomorrow," Her mum said with a reassuring smile. "I'll pick you up later, okay?"

Isabelle took in a huge breath as it dawned to her mum wouldn't be here. Watching her leave with the other parents, Isabelle turned to the classroom and saw some children playing. She quietly went towards them and watched them play with the toys on the floor.

"Hello," She timidly said. No one seemed to be looking. Isabelle fiddled with her fingers before she decided to sit with one of the boys on the floor. She picked up one of the toys that was still left and before it was snatched from her grasp.

"That's not nice!" She yelled before being pushed onto the floor.

Finally realising the commotion that had happened, one of the teachers took Isabelle to the Play-Doh area. Isabelle found herself sitting beside a boy with dark brown hair. He seemed to be patting the play-doh and rolling it with one of the miniature rolling pins.

He gave her a toothy grin and Isabelle couldn't help but giggle.

"My names is Isabelle," She said. She didn't know if he heard. The little boy looked up at her and was mesmerised by those green eyes.

"Luca," He said in reply. "My name is Luca Matteo Valentino."

Isabelle looked a bit taken aback. "I can't remember that... Can I call you Lulu?"

"No!" he exclaimed with amusement. "That's a girl's name."

Isabelle couldn't help but smile at him. She looked at his eyes and realised that they were the same shade of brown as her grandmother's eyes.

"Can I call you Bella?" Luca asked looking up at the new friend he had made.

"Why?" She asked puzzled.

"Because you're bella!"

"No, my name's Isabelle."

"I know but you're bella." Luca explained.

"What does bella mean?" She asked, even more confused than before.

"It means Bella!" Luca exclaimed the word again. He couldn't seem to understand why she didn't know what the word meant.

Isabelle couldn't help but smile at Luca. Luca couldn't help but beam at her. In his eyes, she was beautiful.

Although the both of them didn't spend the whole day at Pre-School, they did spend the entirety of those few hours in each other's company. They both sat next to each other and shared colouring pencils together. They both laughed at snack time and chased each other in the outside area before being told to calm down.

"Oh my god what did you do to my sister?" Hearing the voice of her younger brother, Isabelle inwardly groaned.

Everything was black and she didn't want to open her eyes just yet.

"I did nothing okay she fainted," Luca explained. His voice. Oh, his voice! It was like listening to a song that hadn't been played in so long.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Cole started to breathe rapidly.

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