chapter two

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I cant beleave this. He is making me move. I dont want to move at all it will break my heart, along with my best friend. I will miss maddie she came over earlier to say good bye. Both of are shirts were soaked with tears, and are makeup was smeared everywere. She had helped me pack some, but she had to go. I walked over to my box under my bed and bent over grabbing it. Sliding it out from under my bed, opening it. I sit on the floor putting it in front of me, digging through it. I pulled out a picture frame, looking at it i realized that it was a picture of me and my twin. This was taken when we were thirteen, we were the best of friends. I remember scott a little, he stayed with mom while i stayed with dad. Putting the picture back, i pulled out a photo album. In that photo album was pictures of my life. On the cover was a black and blue wolf, and they were howling to the moon. I know im upsessed with wolves its just i know everthing i can, and they are pretty.

Opening it was pictures of me, stiles,scott,and other people. There was empty slots, so i could put any new ones there. Sighing i put everything in my suitcase i dont want to go. " ready cupcake" my dad asks satanding in my door way. Or should i say old room. Yep me being me, is stubburn, which means i won't talk to him. I have always been stubburn its my thing in life. Instead of talking i nod and walk down the stairs. "You driving your own car"? He asks, i nod. "Still not talking to me" he states. I shrug and roll my eyes, making my way to my car. It was a black camero with a neon green strip on it. My car was my baby, along with my phone. Putting the boxes i had in, walking to get more and putting them in my car. I walk grabbing my dogs leash. It was pink with black crystal black seauins on it. "DIXIE" i call, i hear her paws thuding and sliding against the floor. Then she round the corner, nocking me down and licking my face. Laughing, i push him of. Dixie is a pure blood line german shepherd and so is buddy my other dog. "Bandet" i yell out to my other dog. Grabing his black leash with spikes he rounds the corner. He stops in front of me. Hooking there harness leashes, we make our way out the door. Both dogs are highly trained, mostly bandet. They are both bloodline, and are actually supposed to breed. Anyway i open the car door to my camero and dixie jumped into the back. Opening the the passenger side bandet jumped up in the seat. Walking around the side of the car, and hoping in the drivers seat. Geting sitauted in the leather seat, i hook up the GPS system to the destination of the new house in beacon hills. "You wanna ride boy" i ask bandet, who barks in responce. I pull open my capartment, and grab his sunglasses and vest. Putting it on him. Then i put on my white ones and gave dixie her pink ones. Starting the car i glanced at the house ones more before pulling out, dad had already left. Driving down my old street, rolling down the windoes. I always roll down the windoes so bandet can stick his head out. People always thought he was awesome. Mostly since he looked it, rolling down the back window for dixie. Driving down the highway, i guess i should tell you about myself. My full nam is Ally Jean MCall. My parents split up when i was a kid, and mom kept my twin. I love animals and i a little weird. I have auborn hair, green eyes, curves in all the right places, and bug busts. I love to draw, and write. I am IED- ENTERPRET EXPLOSIVE DISORDER.

If only i new something big was comeing.

Beacn hills here i come.

Sorry if this was a little short, i tried to make it longer. Dont worry i will try to make the next one longer.
Teaser: Ally moves in her new home, goes to dinner with her neighbor who will be a big suprise. Goes to school to get her time table. Makes a new friend.

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