chapter six

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" come on i have laccross in three minutes" i groan trying to get sky to hurry her slow ass. Sorry for my mind language but i am agrivated ad stressed. " i am hurrying, even though your dragging me when i can walk " she mocks. I roll my eyes and drop her of, well i dragged her off and make my way to the girls locker room. Only to find it locked, well i guess since i am late noy boys should be there. So i could get dressed in there. Plus then i could get my running shirt. I walk in the boys locker room, and go down the lockers to find one without a lock. All of them had locks when i got to the one at the end. Remembering that sky had said something, she said that her and liam had the same code on there lockers. So i went to the locker i seen him at when scott and stiles were messing with him at. I do the code and it opened. I hope he does not mind, oh well if he does i will go ninga turtle on him. Yep i said ninja turtle when i am done with him. He will sund like a lifeless pussy cat, that got ran over by a llama driving a tractor, and peed on by a mutant kangaroo unicorn. That has always been my favorite saying. I pulled out my sports bra and spandex shorts. I walked to scotts locker and got my blue spandex shirt. The reason i cant use scotta is the fact that its full. Literaly. Its packed full, walking back over i got dressed. Throwing therest of my clothes in there. Not really thinking of where they were and tied my shoes. Grabbing my stuff i exited the boys locker room. I seen all of the boys lined up with coach yelling at them. " HAS ANYONE SEEN LITTLE MCCALL. LAST TIME I SEEN HER WAS WHEN SHE WAS MAKING OUT WITH..." didn't need anyone to know about that so i interupted. " RIGHT HERE COACH" i yell at him, jogging over to him. He sighs and glares at ne making me giggle. He rolls his eyes and starts to yell at the boys again. I watched as stiles picked up the ball and ran towards the goal. He threw the ball and it landed in he goalies net. I faced palmed, feeling bad for my brothers bestfriend.

Now it was liams turn and he turned towards me with a smirk and wink which made me blush. Oops my brother saw that exchange and boy did he looked angry. Liam ran towards the goal and threw the ball and scored without even trying.

Now it was scotts tur, he scooped up the ball and ran towards the goal, and threw it. Unfourtunatly it hit the metal of the goal. Scott was trying not to use wolf power, he considerd it cheating.
" nice one mccal" i heard laughter, and looked angrily at the person who did it. " hey garret" i yell and the boy looked at me. " shut up before i take that laccross stick and shove it up your..." i started to yell but coach interupted me. " little mccall don't threaten my players unless its greenberge... or you have to" he chuckles. I giggle and nod, scooping the ball. The goalie got ready to take me down, with what looked like a stance that said to easy. I smirk at him and run of flipping i threw the ball in. I used take gymnastics for about eight years. I smirk as it went into the goal and stood by coach. He smirked at me as all the boys starred at me with there moths hung open." Shut your mouths or you will catch flies" i giggle and they quickly go back to what theywere doing. " what shoud i make them do" coach asked me. Since i was thirteen me and him would argue about what they should do, and since then he has always asked me. Keep in mind i was only thirteen.
" two one ones maybe" i say and he nods. " STILINSKI...MCCALL GRAB LONGS STICKS YOUR IN GOAL" he yells at them. They nod and run over to the goal.

Garrett was next, he ran at the goal and scott smacked his stick causing him to fall face first in the dirt. I started to laugh really hard in hystarics. Which caused people to laugh with me. Next again liam went and rounded around stiles. And moved around scott and scored. I couldn't help but smile and scott and stiles glared at me. Which caused me to turn around whistling , and they rolled there eyes.
" that was luck do over" malia yelled standing up angrily on the bleachers.
" there are no do overs sweet heart" coach waved her off.
" ten bucks in scott and stiles" she betted him.
" i will take that deal. Liam get back in there" coach yelled.

Liam ran and got passed stiles, but when he got to scott, scott had flipped him over. And i heard a sicking crunch. I gasped and ran to liam, and crouched down beside him. " DON'T TOUCH HIM, DON'T TOUCH HIM" coach yelled. " i am fine coach, ahhh" he yells in pain as he trys to stand. Scott and stiles, grab him to help him stand. " coach we are gonna take hi to the nurse" scott tells coach who looks angry.
"YOI GUYS TAKE A LAP... START RUNNING LAPS. STUPID" coach yells throwing a ball at malia. " MALIA" i yell as the ball about hits hee in the face, kira grabs a stick and catches it. I run to catch up to scott." Scott i will be home late today" i tell him but run when he goes to talk. I grab sky and drag her to the car, and push her in. Getting in up front,and starting the car. " what is this" she asks holding up my dogs vest and glasses. I giggle, " my dogs shades and vest"i say. " you pamper that dog don't you. Or should i say dogs" she rolls her eyes at me. I park the car and she takes off her clothes so she is in a sports bra and spandex shorts. We start running and i start debating on how i am going to tell her. We decide to stop and rest, i sit in a rock and she leans against a tree. " spill" she says, and i sigh knowing i have to tell her. " please don't be mad" i plead. She nods " after i tell you what i have to say we will see how we react" she says. " okay so when i went into coaches office and i kinda kissed your brother" she glares at me. I have a feeling we will end up arguing. " same thing here" she says, and i glare at her. Why is she mad when she did the same thing.
" now lets talk about how you betrayed me" she glares at me coldly. " WHO DOBYOU THINK YOU ARE. I KISSED YOURS AND YOU KISSED MINE WHAT THE HELL IS THERE TO BE MAD ABOUT. HUH" i scream at her. " WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE BEST FRIENDS BUT YOU WAITED TO TELL ME NOW WHAT THE HELL" she screams at me. I was about to give her a piece of my mind when i seen a HUGE panther and coyote walk up. They growled lowly at us, and i ran infront of sky in a protective stance. Somehow,i knew that they were supernatural. The panther looked at me, and jumped on me nocking me down. He growled and my face causing me to whimper. I looked over at sky to see her in the same position. We both were crying, in fright. I looked over in the panthers eyes, they were forsest green and they glowed. The coyote ad bright blue ones that looked different than malia's. The panther then did something that scared me more. " i am going to be your panther spirit ones i bite you you will be like me. A werepanther" the angelic voice said. I screamed as she stuck her teeth in my side and i heard another scream. The panther than disapeard like mist. I scrambled over to sky who had a huge bute mark on her forearm. I helped her up." That was not an animal that was something els like like super supernatural" she stammers.
" it was supernatural" i agree and she nods. We limp to my car, and slide into the seats.
" you need to come to my house so your parents don't freak out, we could climb through my window" i ask, and she jsut nods. She was more in shock then me. We pull up at my house and scramble out of my car. I lead her to my window where there was a tree. I climb up to a branch and help her up, i open my window. It is kind of creepy how someone could open it like that. I pull her through only to have her land on me. We both giggle and she pulls me to my feet. I lead her into,my bathroom, and open the cabnint. I pull out the first aid kit. After we had both been cleaned up. We both changed into shorts and a tanktop, we sat on my bed. I pull out my hot pink and black laptop. On it were rimestones, and glitter and a big wolf sticker. Opening it to google we looked up what we had seen. Only shocked at what we found.

What did you think about the scrimage, and liam geting hurt. Her useing his locker and them geting bit by something supernatural.

Teaser: sky and ally find out what they are, and scott tells them about mates. and ally will trick liam into going to a party, where something about dominance happens there.

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