chapter seven

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. Can shift into a huge one/strong as a beta
. Can pull out just there claws
. They often have wolf mate, they will know its there mate the second they see each other.

.can shift into any other cat
. As strong as a beta
.mates usually with a beta that belongs to a true alpha.
. Gets along with the werecoyoty soemtimes are found with one.
. When half shifted they have glowing eyes, long falcon like claws, and black ears and tail. Long fangs, and a cat like nose.

I printed those out, and called scott. I told him everything and he said he was on his way home. " look i am so sorry about earlier" sky apoligises. I smile at her
" me too" i say and we hug, just as scott climbs throught the window. They look at each other with the mate look and i sigh, rolling my eyes i shove them out. " LOVE BIRDS" I yell out the window and slam it shut. Well this has been a long day.


Going through my closet, thinking angrily at what scott had told me. He had bitten liam, tonights the full moon, and he kidnapped him. Yep my stupid turtle of a brother had kidnapped him.

I pulled on some blue light washed skinny jeans, a blue tanktop and i threw on liams sweatshirt. That smelt just like him, then some black sandels. I had, had my nails done at the salon. they were tipped with white, and had a couple blue rimestones on them. I curled my hair then put it in a bun, curly strands framed my face. I put on some mascara, bronzer, liquid liner, and lipgloss. When i looked in the mirror i,noticed i looked a little differnet. My toned skin looked smoother, and my lips were fuller. My boobs had grown about three sizes and i will go bra shoping later. My butt had grown to so i will go shoping for that two. But what i noticed more was my eyes looked even more brighter. I looked at my reflection and saw the panther for a second. Me scott and the pack had talked about it last night. So now sky is part of the pack. And she would need to be chained with me, which would be with scott and liam. Walking out the door, and getting in my car. Putting the shades on i zoom off. I arrive at school with two starbucks carimel coffees, one for me and one for sky. I put it in her locker with a note that said hey bffl on it. Then i decided that i would meet up with one of my other friends, mason. I see him exiting the bus. I run ver to him and hug him. " how is my gay bestfriend" i ask giggling. " awesome, but have you seen liam" he asks a we walk, i shake my head. " no why" he wasn't on the bus" mason says. When liam comes running up, panting and leaning against a rail. I feel somwthing weird a pull, ignoring it and pushing away. " did you run to school" i ask, and he nods. " i just started running" he says. He looks up and his face shows panic, i look up to see scott. " well i got to go" he said grabing my hand and dragging me along. All i could think was that he was holding my hand, which was feelings sparks. Scott came around the corner with stiles so we were cornered.

I faintly heard stiles say " we are trying to help you, you little runt". " back the hell up both of you" liam says pushing me behind him." What abour her" stiles points at me. " she didn't do anything" he retorts pushing me futher,behind him. " just listen for a momment" scott pleaded. Liam hesitated, then noded. "Liam were like brothers now" scott says, and me and stiles face palm. " god no, oh god now" stiles mummbled. " liam somethings happening to you something" scott says. Liam looked verry angry, " nothings happening to me nothing" he angrily says before ripping off the badage. He drages me off with him to class.

Me and the rest of the pack had met up behind some

" im not sharing my basment"

Malia states. " actually its my basment, and my mom noticed how you tore it up last time" lydia sasses.
" all right, she stills learning"

Styles said holding malia, who looked like a kicked puppy.
" i say if it keeps him from murdering people, we chloroform the little bastard, and throw him in the lake" stiles says." Im in" malia agrees raising her hand. " we arn't killing him, or kidnapping him.
" then lets tell him there is a party and invite him" lydia suggets.
" your going to ask out a freshman" styles asks.
" no i im done with teenage boys. But i know a little freshman who he seems to want" she says an deveryone looks at me. I groan, and the girls drags me off.

Ten minutes later lydia made me wear this curve showing and boob boucning outfit with more makeup. But at least i was wearing skinny jeans.

I see liam come out of his class and start to strutt down the stairs. The wind picks up making it better, more affect. I make it down the last step smirking back at a smirking liam. I push liam against the lockers, ruffly might i add.
" so theres this party tonight..." i pause, from whispering in his ear and nibble on his ear lob. I hear him take in a breath, and smirk. " if you wanted to go with me" i nibble again on his ear lob. He slams me aginst the lockers, with his wolf strenght but it didn't hurt just fuelled my harrmons. " yeah i would love to go with you" he kisses my neck. I shove my number in his back pocket, before pushing him away and pecking his lips making my way away.

Boy do i wish i knew what was comeing.

So liam likes her and she likes him. Wow. There going to the party together aint that great.

TEASER: they go to the party, and find out something big. Shifting and dominance will be shown. Will liam's wolf show her panther whos boss?

Read to find out. Vote.

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