chapter five

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After class, i told sky abut how i was going to try out for laccross. " you are going to try out for laccross" she asks, skocked. I guess girls don't ussually try out for things like this. I guess i will have problems from some of the guys. I had already talked to the coach who might i add was happy to see me. He always calls me little mccall, strange man. " hell yeah i am, why" i ask confused to why she was so shocked. Some how after about three classes we were able to find out almost everthing about each other. Now we can, finish eackothers sentances, and basically read eachothers minds. People we have talked to have said its a little freaky, but i didn't care. Squirrels are freaky, it looks like they are always glaring at you. They are really weird but adorable. " well its odd for a girl to play, and my brother will be" she explains. I nod in understanding, i had learnt how to play from scott and stiles. I of course was somehow better than them at it. They always sucked, but as we were catching up. Scott since he was bitten, and, now was amazing at laccross. " well i guess beacon hills is gonna have a suprise when they see me at try-outs, and scrimages.
" thats the spirit, i will be the one at the top of the bleachers cheering for you at the top of my lungs. And beware that is verry loud" she says. I roll my eyes playfully, before giggling. " well here you are have fun changing with all of the sweaty guys" she comments, wrinking her nose at the sweaty guy part. I chuckle before walking in the girls changing room. I knew i was late, but being one of coaches favorites had advanteges. Opening my black nike bag, pulling out my try-outs uniform. Black spandex running shorts, they were shorter than i remebered. Maybe i got taller, all i knew was scotts going to have a fit and boys would be stareing. I kinda like that attention but i am not a slut or whore. I mean why would i be, pulling on a black sports bra, i realized i forgot the shirt. " shit" i curse at myself for forgeting it. Oh well i love laccross enough to go out there anyway. Pulling on my black puma sneakers, i pull my hair in a pony tail with a few strands framing my face.

At least my sports bra covers

My boobs more and only shows some cleaveledge at least, but scott will still be mad. Grabbing my laccross stuff i exited the locker room. Walking out i seen coach yelling at the guys who were in line. Coach made hand gesturse for me to come over. I walked over to him and the guys oggled my body making me uncomfortable. Scott glared at me oops. I gave him an inoccent look, knowing i left the shirt in his bag. " start running laps, all of you. I know none of you can beat little mccall right here" he said motioning to me. He remmeberd how fast i could run. We all started to run, me in front with liam beside me, then scott and sadly last was stiles. " TERRIBLE, HORRIFYING,PATHETIC, UNBELIEABLY PATHETIC" coach said to everyone who had just finished running.

I chuckle as stiles who was over there with scott who i heard fiantly say. " what is he a werecheetah does that even exist. take me somewhere i am going to puke" he pants. While scott takes him, i start to stretch beside liam who was doing push ups. " hey liam hows my best friends twin" i ask. He looks up at me and does a double take before running over to his gym bag. He throws a black sweatshirt at my face, litteraly. I picked it up and it had his last name on the back. Dunbar. "what.why" i ask confused to why he threw this at me. " you need a shirt. I dont want guys to look at what is soon to be mine" he finishes with a smirk and wink. I roll my eyes turning away, so he can't see my blush. " whatever" i grumble embarressed, and he just chuckles. I pull it on while everyone gets ready to leave. I have a huge crush on liam, already. After getting dressed i see scott and stiles messing with liam. When liam walks away i roll my eyes, when he winks at me. What suprised me the most was the fact that that he didn't take back his sweatshirt. Shrugging i pull it on and run so scott does not find me. He glared and look he sent me said we will talk about this later. I find sky and we loop arms, i stop walking.
" wait i got to talk to coach in his office" i say and she grinns and nods." You know what they say about offices. Its the best place to make out" she smirks wiggleing her eyebrows suggestevly. I roll my eyes, blushing i skamper off to coaches office. Opening the foor i realize that its empty. Really you have got to be kidding me. "Coach..." a voice trails off, i spin around to see liam. He smirks when he see its just me. Oh lord that just made him sexier oh god thoughts go away. He walks over to me and i back up till i am up against the desk. He puts his arms against the desk, on each side of me.
" i heard that you like me" he whispers in my ear, his hot breath tickling my ear. He nibbles on my ear lob, and i shiver. " do ya" he asks pulling away, with his arms still there. His face was so close to mine, when i felt a burst of confidence. I looked into his blue eyes to see they mirrored mine lust. I smash my lips to his. Our mouths move in sink. He pulls away for a second, " another reason i have you the sweatshirt was to show them you are mine" he whispers huskily in my ear. He smashes his lips against mine, i push my fingers through his hair, which is suprisingly super soft. He licks my bottom asking asking for entrence. Which i deny, haha sucker, and he growls in fustration. He lifts me up and i wrap my legs around his waist, and he grabs my butt making me gasp causing him to plunge his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance which he wins, he sits me on the desk and stands between my legs. We have a heated make-out session, when the lights flick on and we hear a groan of fustration. " little mccall, dunbar get out, you stupid harmonal teenagers" we hear coach say in fustration. I giggle and blush, as liam winks and pecks my lips before walking out. " coach i wanted to know is it okay if i might skip some the of the try outs and go on a run with my friend instead" i ask. He groans, " fine you are on the team, but you better work harder. Even though your my favorite, your still a harmonal teenager soooo GET OUT" he finishes with a yell. I nod and skamper out the door, to find liam standing there. " i will see you soon babe, but i was wondering if you want to go our sometime" he asks with a nervous look. Aww he's nervous how sweet, i nod and he grinns. He pulls me into a hug before walking down the hug. The bell rings, shit we made out that long, sky is gonna kill me. Wait sky will she be mad that i kissed her brother?. Oh no i just messed up a friendship. Sky came running over to me. I decided i should tell her about what happend on our run so that way i could plan how. "I plan on going on that run" she tells me, with a nervous look.

For he little i knew about her, i have one question.

What is she hiding from me.

Sorry if i missed spelled a little in there i have bad grammer. But what did you guys think of sky and liam. How about there kiss, well makeout session. How do you guys think sky will react to what ally tells her? What do you think sky is hiding.

TEASER: liam hurts his leg, and scott and stiles take him to the hostpital. Sky and ally go on they go run and reveal there secrets and something huge happens to them.

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