Chapter 3

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"Hey Ciara." Courtney said and smiled at me, Of course I smiled back and turned my head to bite my bottom lip.

"And sorry I slept on you last night."she added.

Good News: I asked for Courtney's number about a week ago but guess what she handed me her phone and I typed in my number.
"Just making sure you've got the real number from me." that's what she said and I said a small thanks and minutes after that I've got a message from unknown number which is Courtney.

Heavy Breathing, and we had conversations not about school but were like getting to know eachother 'As Friends'.

Well that's okay with me! *wink*

I chuckled "Its ok, I know you were tired from cleaning your room." I emphasized cleaning because why would she do it on a schoolday when she had weekends.

she laughed and pushed me playfully.
"we had visitors last night that's why, if you were wondering..."

i laughed and looked at her. "Why? Visitors will be held at your room."

she gagged "That's what I said to my mom."

"well I guess your not a everyday cleanaholic person." I said, she smiled at me.

making eye contact and I can't believe it all happening, Because I only steal glances at her and now I think she notice The way I look at her was magical it's like she was only the one I can see.

Mrs. Hanson came and We snapped out of trance. I can see her blush on the corner of my eyes.

so what does that mean?
and I just realized she's sitted beside me on our 2 periods which is History and English.

Wow, This means progress and we're getting close.
had a smile on my face while scanning through my phone, Courtney and I were messaging eachother.

Even though she was in this cafeteria 6 tables away, I can't hide it this girl can make my day complete.

Someone smacked the table and I jumped dropping my phone with a loud impact.
My eyes widened and hoped it didn't crack my screen

I went to pick it up. "Holy Shit!"

"Guess what Ciara!"Bria said and shook my shoulders.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her.
"Guess what Bria!" I mimicked and showed my phone to her.

Bria looked away and scrunched her face. "wow, That's not my fault." and gave me a apologetic look

I glared at her and tried it.
"No prob, It still works."
and I've got a message from Courtney so I replied it before asking Bria what was she about to say. I didn't even care that my phone screen cracked.

"Ahh, Priorities." Bria laughed and I pushed her face nowhere the direction of my phone.

I glared at her."Bria! Privacy, ok?"

Louis laughed "That's not in her vocabulary." Bria pushed him but Louis stayed still.

"So your about to say something right?" I turned to Bria.

Her expression changed to a happy one and I raised my eyebrow.

"Erin." Bria said dreamily and turned her head spotting Erin and waved.

I whistled "You don't have to explain."

"We're going on a date later." Louis and I high-fived eachother.

Bria was fidgeting "And guys, I don't know where to take her,what I should wear, I don't want to freak her out.."

we shushed her "Bria, Just be you."

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