Chapter 2

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The alarm set for ungodly early hours blared it's treacherous sound inside the room, causing both boys who lay in the same bed to shoot to consciousness and reach across to silence the sound. The tallest of the boys shot his eyes around the foreign room until the memory of the previous evening through night returned fairly quickly. The other sat up slowly. Both remember how easily persuaded Togami was to stay just a bit longer. It seemed 'a bit longer' turned into the rest of the night, not that either was complaining about how the series of events ended.

Naegi groans from morning grogginess, rubbing his eyes trying to get accustomed to the sunlight's rays of dawn. In his vision, he can see a tall male sitting up in his bed, pale skin, and messy blonde hair. "Nng...Byakuya?" The confusion was still overwhelming his senses, fairly reasonable for the early hours of the morning.

"Good morning, Naegi," He greets after a yawn. Naegi feels a little saddened that even after comforting Togami with something that had affected him so deeply he still doesn't refer to him by Makoto like he did Byakuya but figures he can't ask too much of him, he must be too mentally exhausted to think about names.

"Aha, I guess you ended up sleeping my bed," It was only simple talking and hand-holding, Naegi remembers, but saying it to himself and registering how it may sound to anybody else who didn't have context made him blush all over again like yesterday. He hates how little it takes to get him ruffled up, even when he had just regained consciousness a few seconds ago.

He wasn't the only one and was relieved about it, noting how a similar color was spread across Togami's cheeks. "It appears so. We should not remain like this longer, though. I understand classes are not mandatory here but it would be a shame for our education if we did not attend," He removes himself from the covers that he doesn't recall them ever getting into. Both realize the amount of intimacy of it, sharing a bed under blankets where skin could have unconsciously brushed.

"Ah right, of course! I guess that means you finally return to your room, right?" The disappointment is impossible for Naegi to hide. That, or he doesn't even bother trying to hide it at all.

"Don't sound so disheartened, we will reunite in the classroom. I'm only leaving to make myself presentable," His hand goes to push up his glasses as usual only to find that its absence from his face. He still proceeds with his speech. "I'm sure that answer is enough to satisfy you since you obviously seem to enjoy time with me. Lucky for you, since that is your talent, I've been starting to find you interesting as well."

"Oh wow," the compliment leaves him even more flustered and Naegi wishes his stupid blushing would stop because it's making his true feelings way too obvious. "Thank you, Byakuya."

"Of course," he nods. "That's just how I feel. You already know a lot about my feelings as of yesterday..." his composure slips just for a second when his sigh sounds so defeated at the thought of how much vulnerability he displayed. "Speaking of which, let's keep that between us." A pause. "Please?" He asks insecurely.

"I promise," Naegi can't refuse when Togami looks at him with a weakness that is uncharismatic for a Togami heir.

"Perfect," Togami wears his confidence again as if it was easy to slip on and off like a coat. "If you could please hand me my glasses, I'll be on my way."

Naegi does as asked, getting out of the bed to retrieve the white frames from a desk and handing them the Togami who starts heading to the door for an exit after slipping the glasses back on.

Togami suddenly comes to a halt when his hand reaches the doorknob. "I actually have one more thing I need to proceed with," declares Togami with a heated face, a nervous lip bite, crinkled clothes, and tangled hair. Someone whose appearance is a mess was still trying to establish a higher ground to someone he cried into the arms of.

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