Chapter 23 (3rd POV)

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 Katsuki slowly descended straight down. Soon they saw land, Katsuki looked for the nearest town or village. He flew until he saw a small village of maybe 100 residents.

Katsuki landed just outside of the town, on a dirt road. Izuku pulled away from Katsuki only to double over and vomit into the grass.

"Are you ok Izuku?" Katsuki asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Izuku said, wiping the excess vomit from his mouth.

"Ok well let's get to the village." Katsuki said, as he laced his fingers his Izuku's.

Soon they arrived at the village. They walked down the busy road and into the center of the small village. Katsuki spotted a vendor, and pulled Izuku to him.

"Excuse me sir. Where are we?" Katsuki asked.

"What do you mean where are we? This is Tawarakoshi." The man said pridefully.

"Tawarakoshi?" Izuku asked.

"Izuku, we're like hundreds and hundreds of miles from Musutafu!" Katsuki shrieked.

"At least we're still IN Japan." Izuku said, "Also how do you know this place even exists?" Izuku asked.

"I have a weird obsession with studying small out of the way villages in my spare time. I wouldn't question it too much." Katsuki said.

"Ok then...Well if you know the location of this village. You must know the direction of home right?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah I know the general direction, but nothing more than that." Katsuki said.

"Good that's all we need. We'll find an inn to stay at for tonight, and we'll head out tomorrow. Now I'm keeping in mind that you will need to take breaks?" Izuku said.

"Ok sounds good. Also yeah, my wings will get tired if I use them too much." Katsuki said.

"Ok, so we'll take breaks throughout the day then, and sleep during the night." Izuku said, Katsuki nodding in agreement.

"Sir, do you know of an Inn we can stay at?" Izuku asked the vendor man.

"Ah, yes. Just head that way, take and take a left. There's small inn there, called the Sakura Inn." The man said kindly.

"Ok, let's go." Izuku said, and held Katsuki's hand as they walked off into the direction the man pointed.

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A/N: WHOOO, double update! I hope you enjoyed, and I appreciate feedback!

bye bye~

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