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"Clover get up, were going out today."

I can hear my dads voice from the kitchen.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

He replies "We are going out today." I shake my head and groan as I get up from my bed. "I'm not going." I yell trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

"What makes you think you make the decisions." he asks me.

"Because, dad I'm 17 and that's what seventeen year olds do." I smirk to myself, grateful he is down stairs and can't see me.

"Not while your under my roof, kid." He says.

Oh bloody hell. The party I was looking forward to that, like seriously we have to go out today? "Ugh" I say loud enough that dad can hear.

"Get dressed, and hurry up about it." He yells.

"And father where may I ask are we going?"

"To visit your sister."

I don't know how to reply, London's birthday is today and I forgot. I am the worst sister in the world, how can I forget my dead sisters birthday?

"Dad, I... Im sorry I didn't I" my words I can't form them. I don't know how to say, I'm sorry.


My dad hasn't been able to look at me. Throughout the trip to the cemetry he has kept his eyes averted. I have tried to apologize countless times but he holds up a hand and silences me. How am I supposed to pay my respects to London if I can't even pay my respects to my father? And he's alive. Mum hasn't said a word, I begining to believe she realises I exist. I have been thinking about calling Ellie, but what do I say "Sorry I can't come I forgot my dead sisters birthday and now I'm in the bad books with my parents" Not going to happen. Anyway maybe a night out is what I need, I can't feel depressed, my sister was my best friend and it's killing me to come here today. What am I going to do?

"Get out of the car Clover." mum says. What the hell she doesn't need to be such a bitch I didn't do anything to upset her. i give her a glare and get out slamming the door. Dad hisses. Bloody hell give it a rest, nothing happened its not as if the door broke.

I'm not even paying attention when my phone rings. "Lets go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun, I know we only met but lets pretend its love, and never ever ever stop for anyone tonight lets get some, and live while where young." One direction live while where young, of course its Ellie.
The only thing to do is answer but I know dad will go spaz at me so I send her a text, the text reads "sorry I'm busy at the moment please call me later" but I know Ellie she won't give up until she gets a hold of me. So she rings again, and again, and again. Blood hell stop. That's what I feel like texting her. But that would be the bitchy way out of it and I'm not a bitch, well not really, and I have to prove to my parents that I can go to Dustin's party. Maybe I won't tell them and just be a rebel. I could say that I'm staying at Ellie's and then we could go from there. Clover your a fricken genius. That would defiantly work.

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