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Not a stigma anymore....


By Anusha surathkal

It's high time people understand what a person with depression and anxiety goes through. 

The stigma

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The stigma

Mental health is and has always played underdog among illnesses for years. People have this misconception that mental illness is a foul destiny, not something worth to be treated or discussed about. The basic understanding of mental hygiene is flawed. Misuse of words like mad,mental,psycho ...etc has planted false belief among us that mental heath is a taboo. Resulting in, not being able to share one's thoughts,feelings and outbreaks with their families. Fear of being judged,being labelled lunatic ,being not understood adds a lot of pressure,resulting in temptation for suicide. It's time you finally see things from the perspective of a person dealing with anxiety and depression. 

The process 

As I have lived with my own share of anxiety and depression, I would like to share a few thoughts and feelings of a person dealing with the illness. Yes, it is an illness. 

( Disclaimer: this piece of information is just an atom part of the topic, a tiny approach to screen some real dealt thoughts.) 

Firstly, there is no such  thumb rule that only failed people are going to welcome the illness. Anybody and everybody has equal chances of being prey to anxiety and depression.


It is the basic fundamental foundation of any mental illness. What is stress?  Stress is a baggage gifted by the society and yourself, specially curated for you. You are accompanied with a lot of pressure and worry. A feeling full of nervousness all day all night. Things like, 

scoring well, 

making money, establishing a great career, 

maintaining relationships, 

opening about your sexuality, 

making friends,

meeting deadlines,

 withstanding the outgrowing competition, 

expectation from people all around,

expectations from yourself 

And many more

These are just a handful examples leading to stress. In most cases, Stress is accompanied by fear. Fear is a feeling of nervousness gauging towards alertness. A boon to living beings, to alert ourselves when in danger. For example, back then, humans loafed all day around in the forest. But the moment they heard a tiger growl nearby, they would instantly fear and sense danger. Fear of being feasted by the animal,would alert them to run back home. But mankind these days, has created this fictional world of money,power,rules and lifestyle, that fear has taken a huge 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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