1- Holy shit...

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Max's POV

I walked through the camp as Nikki was practically dragging me, I don't know how we ended up with one of Neil's potions and near the stage but somehow we did

Nikki looked at me saying "I dare you to drink this!" I said "No fucking way!" "Why you scared?" I glared at her as I grabbed the drink then chugging it down

I looked up then saw Preston, I suddenly felt myself blushing like crazy Preston came up to us as Neil was running to us as well

3rd person POV

Neil ran to them in a hurry he pushed Preston away he said "YOU GUYS THAT WAS A LOVE POTION! I STILL DON'T KNOW THE EFFECTS!" Nikki tilted her head saying "why did you make a love potion?"

Neil replied "I don't fucking know! I got bored" Nikki giggled as Nikki then said "wait who did max fall in love with" Neil and Nikki looked back at max as he was staring at Preston looking love struck

Neil said "holy shit..." Preston then walked up to max saying "hey max I know you may say no but can you help me rehearse some lines for my play? It is a heart breaking love story between two people" max says "uhh s-sure!.."

Preston smiles then walks off with max, Neil and Nikki just looked at each other until Neil says "fuck it, it will wear off eventually anyway" as he walks off as Nikki decides to make the most of this

Hey author here!
I know this is cringy and short but what can you expect from a really cringy person :p

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