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Max's POV

I was being dragged by Preston towards the stage I was just standing there while thinking " what the fuck just happened?! "  I blushed s lot more

Preston asked me if I was alright I nodded then just wondering off into his gold eyes, Preston was so hot..."okay I am fucking going crazy!" I thought as I snapped out from his beautiful gaze

I sighed as I was handed a script I read through it then Preston got up dragging me then starting

"Oh how sweet you are my love!" I think I died a little inside at that moment from embarrassment I then said "oh uhh...oh I love you my one true love but I uhh...fear we are meant to be!" I looked at Nikki who was laughing her ass off

I got off the stage as I huffed "m-max!" Preston screamed "Preston nobody cares about your dumb play!" Preston glared as he turned away huffing

I sighed as I walked off to the dock "why do I fucking like that nerd?..." I sighed as I sat up I looked over as I got up

"Well fuck...why do I do now?..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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