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Chapter 3

I haven't spoken to Yanga since that day, that was two months ago. I meant it when I said I don't have room in my life for relationships. He respected it because he never called or came around here, Qhama asked about him every now and then but he eventually stopped.
Me" I need to get home"
I hate writing tests on Saturday, the shitty part is I was working izolo and I am working tonight. I will be a zombie.
Sange" Ungena bani?"
Me" 5 and you?"
Sange" 9, I'm working as a runner tonight"
A taxi going straight to New Brighton stopped for us.
Me" I'll see you tonight"
Sange" Sho"
I eventually got to my place and Qhama was curled up in bed.
Me" Utheni?"
Qhama" Susu"
He was heating up too, I didn't have money to take him to the doctor and clinics were closed. My tips from tonight and the ones from yesterday would be enough but right now I couldn't afford that because my Grandmother asked to borrow money from me and she hasn't paid it back.
Me" Ina"
I made him drink some water, then went outside to call my gran.
Me" Hello"
Khulu" Molo"
Me" I need la mali, Qhama has a running tummy and I need to take him kwa gqirha"
Khulu" Andinayo"
That's all she said to me, this is her grandson for fucksakes!.
Me" Then can I drop him off there because I have to be at work two hours from now"
Khulu" Hay, ndizoba busy"
She hung up! I started pacing around trying to figure out who can look after Qhama. Sange is working, Khanya has some family gathering so I doubt he can tonight. I couldn't ask my landlord because she once called social workers on me and this is why I can't go to work and leave Qhama alone when he is sick.
Me" Qhama"
He was inside the blankets watching Spongebob. I decided to lay next to him and I gave him a panado and anti-inflammatory pills. Then I cuddled him, humming until he fell asleep, I decided to quickly freshen up and get ready for work. I was finally dressed and ready to go, I just had waiting for the babysitter. My phone vibrated and it was a text from the sitter;
"I'm outside"
I went to open the gate for him, he got out of the car and smiled at me. He was wearing a Navy sweater, jeans and flip flops. Yet he still looked amazing.
Me" Thank you"
Yanga" It's cool"
He didn't mention me ghosting him, nothing like that which was surprising.
Me" I knock off at 11:30pm and I will be home a little after 12 because getting an uber can be a mission at that time"
Yanga" I have to take him to my place, I have a lot of work and being here is like invading your privacy"
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable"
Me" I don't know your place"
Yanga" What time do you have to be at work?"
Me" 4:45"
He checked the time
Yanga" Masambeni"
I woke Qhama up, then got a jacket for him and took one for myself. I packed him snacks, then locked and we left. I don't think Qhama noticed we were with Yanga because he was still quiet. He really didn't look good.
Me" If he gets worse please tell me"
Yanga" Did you give him something?"
Me" Panado"
"It's all I had"
Yanga" Okay"
Me" I am trying"
Yanga" I am not judging you Yazini"
"I am just trying to figure out if I have something for him at home"
His house was everything I imagined, simple and not over the top but clean and beautiful at the same time.
Yanga" I have a dog but he harmless"
I looked at Qhama
Me" Boy, uzoshiyeka no Yanga"
He nodded
Qhama" Uzobuya?"
Me" I will always come back for you"
I gave him a hug, my uber arrived just like Yanga promised it will. I left for work with a heavy heart.

"Your uber is outside, it's a black Toyota"
A little after Yanga's text came in, uber sent me a message that my uber has arrived. I got it and it took me to Yanga's place. I called him to buzz us in, he opened and the uber dropped me off. I heard a dog barking, I think I am the only human who is scared of dogs. He opened the door and looked at me, he didn't say anything just stared at me.
Me" It's cold"
Yanga" I'm sorry, ngena"
He moved away from the door, Qhama came to me running and I screamed because this huge dog was coming my way.
Yanga" Qhama take Giant to the kitchen"
Qhama ran again and the dog followed him.
Me" I am scared of dogs"
Yanga" Giant is a Great Dane dog, he is a friendly giant"
Me" Still scared of it"
Yanga" That's my son, you'll love him"
I laughed
Me" Qhama is fine?"
Yanga" I had to take him to the doctor, he is fine now, he has all these meds to take but yea he is back to being chatty"
Me" I can only pay you back month end for the doctor's visit"
Yanga" I don't want your money"
"I need you to relax, we will go to the kitchen, you need to eat"
Me" I'm scared of your dog"
Yanga" Giant isn't about harming anyone but bad people. He will sniff you and if you are calm, you'll get so much loving from him"
It's as if the dog knew, he came into he living room and ran straight to me.
Yanga" Stay calm"
"Look at me"
I looked at him and I smiled, the dog sniffed me then started licking me.
Qhama" Giant!"
It ran to Qhama, this dog was literally the same height as my little brother. But he was playing with it and laughing when the dog licked him. Disturbing shit if you ask me.
Yanga" Want to take a shower?"
Me" I'll clean up when we get home"
Yanga" Can he sleep over here?"
"I promised I will ask"
Qhama was now looking at us
Me" Qhama"
Qhama" Just tonight Yaya"
Me" Why?"
Qhama" He has an Xbox and a PlayStation"
Me" I can't sleep here"
Yanga" Go out, sleep over kwi boyfriend yakho. Take this as a free pass for you to act your age"
I laughed
Me" That's the thing, I've never dated, I have crushes but I don't date because I have Qhama and he is a full-time job. I work, go to Varsity and then take care of my little brother"
" So he is ditching me for you and I don't know what to do with myself"
Yanga" That's not right, your twenties are important, you get to discover who you are and make silly mistakes. It's a rite of passage"
"And make no mistake, Qhama will live his life and you'll resent him because you stopped living yours to take care of him"
Me" I can't live mine because I can't get anyone to look after him. My landlord once called social workers on me because I was at work and Qhama was left alone, I don't need a repeat of that. I am content with my life"
Yanga" You cannot be content with the unknown, you haven't live, you haven't experienced. You can't mistake acceptance for being content"
"Tomorrow are you working?"
Me" No"
Yanga" Call up your friends, invite them for lunch. Go to Cubana and ask for the table outside"
Me" I don't have money"
Yanga" Just text your friends and tell them to meet you at Cubana at 3pm tomorrow"
Me" And Qhama?"
Yanga" I'll take care of everything"
"You know, it takes a village and it's okay to ask for help without feeling like you have failed"
I gave him a hug.
Me" Thank you"
Yanga" Take my bed"
"You two will be fine?"
I was confused
Me" Uyaphi wena?"
He laughed
Yanga" Never waste a Saturday night"
He grabbed his car and house keys then he left. We were left alone in his house, didn't this guy think I would steal from him? Or maybe go through his things?.
Qhama" Sizo lala apha?"
I nodded
Me" Awufuni ulala?"
Qhama" Can Giant sleep with us?"
Me" No, hay Qhama"
He nodded
Qhama" We went to Spur, your food is in the fridge"
"Yi boyfriend yakho?"
Me" No"
Qhama" Okay"
Me" Why"
Qhama" Nix"
We both laughed
Me" I'm glad you are okay again"
Qhama" Me too"

What does one wear to a lunch date that you can't even afford?. I decided on a black Lord of the rings t-shirt, blue ripped mommy jeans and black peep toe ankle boots. I grabbed my biker jacket and shoulder bag. I called Yanga because he said he will fetch me.
Me" Ndigqibile"
Yanga" Ndise Mbizweni"
Me" Okay, ndiyeza"
I locked and went straight to where he was, he was literally four minutes away from me. I spotted his car and he was standing there with friends.
Me" Hey"
" I don't see Qhama"
He laughed
Yanga" I took Giant to the dog spa and Qhama didn't want Giant to be alone. Don't worry, he is safe. I'm actually heading back to check on them"
His friends were staring at us
Me" Hi, I'm Yaya"
Yanga" Sive and Ongama"
He said pointing at his friends
"We can go"
Me" It was nice meeting the both of you"
I smiled, then got in the car. He wore his sunglasses then played Cassper Nyovest's Tito Mboweni.
Me" People are staring at you"
Yanga" I love to inspire"
He started his car and we left, Yanga was everything he thought he was. Like it was hard to not smile. We started at the dog spa, he went in and I stayed in the car. Qhama was eating an ice cream, him and Giant got in.
Me" You know today is your last day with Giant"
Qhama" I know"
Giant licked Qhama's face and I almost threw up. But he has giggling.
Yanga" Lets go"
We arrived at Cubana a little after 3, he gave me a roll of money.
"Order whatever your friends want, have fun, and call me when you are done. I'll come fetch you"
Me" This is crazy"
Yanga" Just go"
"Have fun"
I got out of the  car and went inside, I saw Khanya and Sange. We asked the hostesses to move us outside.
Sange" Mfazi"
Khanya" What's the occasion?"
Me" Not even sure, Yanga made me organize this. Apparently I am wasting my 20's"
Our waitress came and ordered a plate of nachos as a starter, and one bottle of Hennessey with mixers.
Khanya" Order 6 liquid cocaine too"
"And Hooker"
Me" Don't you have classes tomorrow?"
Sange" That's tomorrow's problem"
I met both of them at work, Sange and I are both at Nmu and Khanya is at Varsity College.
Khanya" So Yanga is your boyfriend?"
Me" Nope, I don't even know yintoni but we not dating"
"Qhama loves him though"
Sange" Wena?"
Me" Don't have time"
Khanya" That excuse never gets old"
Our food came, drinks and the pipe, we were smoking, laughing and venting. It was so fun, I don't think I have ever experienced this side of them and they said the same about me.
Me" So I am drunk"
"But in a cool way"
We all laughed
Sange" What's the bill"
Me" Our salary"
Khanya" 4000rand?!"
We all laughed because we just spent our salary on money and food.
Sange" I was about to say I can contribute 500rand"
"Let me offer to wash their dishes"
We were laughing while the waitress stood there waiting for us.
Me" Sis it say 4000 here"
The waitress nodded
Khanya" Andinayo tuuu engako imali"
I laughed, while taking my phone to call Yanga.
Me" Hey"
Yanga" Hey yourself"
Me" Our bill is 4000rand"
Yanga" Pay it"
Me" I don't have that much money"
Yanga" I gave you 7000rand"
I chocked on me own spit then cleared my throat.
" Should we come fetch you?"
Me" Yes please, but you'll carpool because these idiots are way too drunk for uber"
Yanga" See you soon"
I hung up then looked at the waitress
Me" Sorry to keep you waiting"
I looked at my friends
"I'll pay"
Khanya" Uphambene"
I took out the money and started counting, added a 300rand tip. When I looked up my friends were staring at me.
Me" Got it from Yanga"
Sange" Ligintsa?"
Me" No"
Khanya" Yea, ligintsa"
Me" He is on his way to fetch us, ask him"
Sange ordered sparkling water for us, Yanga called announcing he is outside. We took our things and left.
Khanya" That's him?"
I nodded
Sange" Yho!"
Khanya" I'd risk it all for him, ndinga thengisa nendlu yase khaya le"
We all laughed, we got in the car and he introduced himself.
Me" We start at Ivana then go drop off Khanya in Linkside"
Sange" Awumhle Bhuti"
Yanga laughed
Me" Please play some music to shut these idiots up"
He played some RnB, we dropped Sange off then Khanya.
Khanya" Thank you for today babe"
I hugged him.
Me" Thanks for coming, I had a really great time"
Khanya" See you Tuesday"
I got back in the car and Yanga was staring at me.
Me" What?"
Yanga" You said you are not seeing anyone"
Me" And I am not"
Yanga" And him?"
Me" Khanya is gay"
Yanga" Nyani? But why isn't he like other gay guys?"
Me" Being gay is not a personality trait"
"He doesn't have to be flamboyant to prove his sexuality"
He smiled
Yanga" Okay, my bad"
Me" Yes"
Yanga" We need to stop at McDonalds, I promised Qhama that I will bring them nuggets"
Me" Do you like my brother or are you just doing this to get to me?"
Yanga" I don't need to use your little brother to get to you. That's evil and I am not evil, I want you and I won't lie about that. But I actually like your brother"
Me" Okay"
Yanga" Okay"
Me" I like you too"
He smiled
Yanga" I know"
"Spend the night at my place again"
Me" Okay"
"But I'm not ready for sex, I don't want to be drunk when I have my first time"
Yanga" Okay"
Me" Okay"


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