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Chapter 6

Sunday morning Yanga and I went to Thabang and Bahle's house. They were hosting a brunch.
Yanga" Baby"
I looked at him and smiled
"Uyandichaza, I can't even find the right words"
I loved the way he looks at me, it was like I was the only girl in the world.
Me" I love you"
He kissed me
Yanga" I love you too"
Me" Okay"
Yanga" We will first go visit Qhama, then go join the others"
Me" That's fine"
I decided on a denim skin and a yellow blouse.
Yanga" Kuyabanda baba"
Me" Didn't pack any warm clothes"
Yanga" We can go buy something"
Me" Okay but kwa Mr Price"
He laughed
Yanga" Hahhaha okay, I guess you are paying"
I nodded
"Masambe, I convinced Lona to let me drive her car. I hope you don't mind but I need to test drive this baby"
Me" She doesn't really like me"
He kissed my forehead
Yanga" Lona is complicated, she doesn't let anyone in her circle too easily"
Me"  I don't want to be part of her circle"
Yanga laughed then gave me a kiss.
Yanga" Let's go tuu"
"Hahaha uyathyafisa shame "
I have seen a Bentley in music videos, however not in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be inside one. The shopping was easy, we however ended up at buying way more than what I needed. I was suddenly wearing a metallic silver dress shirt, a denim jacket and knee high boots.
Yanga" Aren't you cold?"
Me" Nope, it's just windy akubadi"
He was wearing a grey sweater, denim shorts and Yeezy sneakers. We called my Aunt for directions, and told her not to tell Qhama. We arrived and he was so happy to see us but I think Yanga more than anything else.
Qhama" Akummadi apha Yaya"
Me" Nyani?"
Qhama" Kakhulu but I miss you"
Me" Are you still spending Christmas with us?"
Qhama" Ewe, yandikhumbula?"
Me" I miss you so much"
Yanga" Everyday uthetha ngawe"
Qhama" Hahah ndamazi"
We stayed another hour with him until it was time for us to leave.
Me" I'll see you soon ke Bhuti"
Qhama" Bye Yaya"
He gave me a hug
Me" Are you really sure you want to stay behind?"
He nodded
Qhama" I'm safe"
"I like everyone"
I kissed his forehead
Me" I love you"
Qhama" I love you too"

The brunch was exactly what I imagined, they were so kind and they made me feel like I was an old friend.
Thabang" What's your favorite champagne? Or sparking wine?"
Me" I prefer beer"
He laughed
Bahle" Don't be surprised when you get a package"
Me" Package?"
Lona" He loves Champagne and whiskey, and he forces that love on to everyone. So you'll get a case filled with all his favorites and he'll call you just to check which one you will like"
I laughed because I honestly thought they were kidding.
Thabang" Same address?"
Yanga" Yep hahhaha"
Andrew" I have to go, just got called in"
He gave me a hug
"It was nice meeting you"
Me" Same here, enjoy the rest of your day"
Solly" Your husband also just got called in"
Everyone laughed
Andrew" Hahaha you are so annoying"
Viwe, Solly's husband came to also give me a hug.
Thabang" Can't believe those two idiots are surgeons"
We stayed for a little while but then Yanga announced that we had to go. Everyone gave me a hug, we exchanged contacts and then we finally left.
Yanga" We flying private, your boyfriend Andrew wanted you to be comfortable"
I gave him a kiss
Me" You are the only man I want"
I gently held his manhood then caressed it.
"Will you still be able to drive?"
He nodded, I have done so much with Yanga in a short space of time. We have been together for seven months now but this, giving him a blow job while he is driving has to be my favorite.
Yanga" Wait"
I knew he was about to come, but I didn't stop. He shot up inside of me and I swallowed everything. I couldn't believe that I just did that.
Yanga" What was that?"
I wiped my mouth then shrugged.
Me" I guess I'm starting to love doing that to you"
We pulled up and Lona was already waiting for us with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend handed our bags to the staff while we were chatting.
Yanga" How are the kids?"
Lona" Loud, I don't know why you guys let me have 3 children"
"Xavier is in England with his grandparents and I'm left with Claire and Connor"
Yanga" I'm happy for you Lonz, I know it wasn't easy but you are really doing good"
They hugged
Lona" We will try and visit, my children miss Giant"
They both laughed then hugged again, the boyfriend and I were just standing there.
"They were neighbors then they became friends, she is worse with Thabang. She sometimes sleeps in his bed or he sleeps in her bed. But she is harmless, they are like brother's to her because she is an only child"
I just nodded
Me" Okay"
"Well it was nice meeting you"
Lona" Have a safe flight, and call me tomorrow"
Yanga" Will set up a zoom meeting with the three of you"
They both laughed
Lona" that works"
They left and we went inside.
Yanga" I forgot you are working tonight"
Me" No I'm not, I'm on leave"
"Only going back on Wednesday"
Yanga" So what are we doing tonight?"
Me" Me"
We arrived at our place and Giant wasn't there, Yanga's parents took him.
Me" I'm going to take a shower"
Yanga" I'll just quickly call my parents"
I didn't even take a long shower, I moisturized my body then wore his t-shirt.
Yanga" I missed my bed"
He took off his clothes and I sat on the bed.
Me" Yanga"
He looked at me as I took off his t-shirt, I was completely naked.
Me" I meant what I said"
Yanga" I can see"
Me" Why don't you want this?"
He came to seat on the bed
Yanga" I want it, so bad"
He pointed at his boner and I laughed
"I know you not ready and I don't want you to regret your first time"
Me" I'm ready"
Yanga" Are you sure?"
I leaned in for a kiss
Me" I love you, and I want this"
I have imagined this moment, a million times. I have seen it in movies and it raised expectations. Yanga was everything, he kept asking things
"Does this hurt?"
Each movement he talked me through it, when he was finally in we held hands and he slowly moved.
Me" I'm okay"
He picked up his pace but not too fast, each stroke I lost myself in him. Our bodies intertwined and I knew I was gone. I felt sensation in places and when we finished he kissed me then got up.
Yanga" Need to get something to clean you up"

The following day he went to work and I was alone, I called Khanya because I needed some company.
Me" Where is your ass?"
Khanya" In the car, ubuyile?"
Me" Yes, I'm bored"
"You working today?"
Khanya" Ewe, but ngena at 8pm"
Me" Let's grab breakfast or lunch, I need some adult time"
Khanya" Where am I fetching you?"
Me" I'll take an uber, run your errands and I'll take a shower"
Khanya" Beeryard?"
Me" Yea, that's cool"
I went to take a bath then called Qhama but he didn't answer. I decided to wear a light blue button down denim dress and a white t-shirt underneath and my Stan Smith sneakers. My phone rang and it was Qhama.
Me" Hey"
Qhama" Yaya, uyamazi wena uClaire?"
Me" Omphi?"
He laughed
Qhama" Umntana lo wathi ku Mama "Zaza" she was so small"
I hate that he remembered that little girl. I remember her too, sometimes I see her in my dreams, she was so happy with us. We enjoyed having her around too until my Gran told us that my mother actually kidnapped the little girl.
Me" Ubona phi?"
Qhama" At the beach"
Me" Okay boy, I have to go Giant ufuna utya ukutya kwam"
He laughed
Qhama" Bye"
I hung up. I requested my uber then locked the house. I decided to wait for it outside the complex. It arrived and just as I predicted Khanya was already waiting for me.
Me" I love Barney's because of the beach view"
Khanya" I don't but I ordered Pizza and two burgers for us"
"Wasn't sure uzosela ntoni?"
Me" Did you order salad"
"Because we need the salad to balance our fat"
That's Sange's favorite line.
"How was Cape Town"
Our food arrived, we ordered beer for the both of us.
Me" It was okay"
Khanya" You were in a private jet and ukhala ngo fine?"
I laughed
Me" Okay that part was exciting"
"Yanga has all these friends, it's like he collects hot women like Thanos collects infinity stones. It's all innocent but I don't think they would ever let me in their circle"
Khanya" You want to in their circle?"
Me" Nope, but they seem to matter to him"
Khanya" So do you, I don't think he cares, and from what I know about men, I don't think he would introduce you to his inner circle if he wasn't serious. Maybe you are just paranoid"
Me" That's what he said"
I shrugged then ate my burger
"Yaz bekukho this guy, Andrew, apparently he is worth billions"
Khanya laughed
Khanya" Andrew ba? I'll google him"
I laughed
Me" I don't know, he is a doctor kodwa"
Khanya" And a billionaire?"
I laughed too
Me" According to him, one of Yanga's friends Lona. She drives a Bentley"
Khanya stared at me
Khanya" Lona who?"
Me" I don't know hahahaa I wasn't there to learn their surnames"
Khanya" Let me stalk Yanga on insta"
I laughed while he went through my phone, I decided to eat because I knew this would take time.
Khanya" Lona Montgomery Rhodes!"
Me" Rhodes?"
My mother worked for Lelona Rhodes
"Let me see"
He gave back my phone. I went through Lona's instagram feed.
Khanya" That guy wasn't lying, Dr Andrew Montgomery Rhodes"
"Sana! Yanga is friends with the elites of South Africa"
I wasn't even listening anymore, I couldn't believe my eyes. I googled  Claire Montgomery Rhodes, pictures of her missing, 5 million rand ransom, Lona and her ex husband begging the public for help. My mother's name.
Khanya" Why are you crying?"
I was literally shivering
Me" Can you please take me to my place"
"In New Brighton" 

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