The arrival

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Chapter 25


"Happy 10th birthday Hlahla"
Yanga and I were standing in front of our daughter, she had a huge grin on her face.
Me" Are you ready for your gift?"
She nodded
Yanga"I don't think you are"
It's been interesting to hit rock bottom with him. We went through something I didn't think we could survive together. His biological father died, then soon after his brother Songezo lost his wife while she was giving birth. Our relationship took a huge knock too, but we found each other again. Sange gave birth to a little boy and name him Jesus, I kid you not but his real name is actually York Montgomery-Rhodes. He sounds wealthy nje by saying his name.
Hlalumi" Is that mine?"
We bought her a bicycle, she has been asking for it.
Me" Yes"
"Happy birthday Nugget"
Yanga" Now don't feel the ride it now"
I laughed at him because he wanted to buy one with training wheels and I said Hlalumi would kill him.
Qhayiya" Where is mine?"
He is turning 3 soon and he has been a handful, his father was so happy. Qhayiya could do no wrong in Yanga's eyes.
Me" You'll get it on your birthday"
Qhayiya" Ngomso?"
I nodded and his father was dying to tell him we bought him a car but he couldn't get it today because today is all about Hlalumi.
Me" Don't do it"
Yanga" He looks sad"
Me" Then look away!"
"Hlahla deserves all the attention today"
Yanga laughed
Me" Take her out and I'll chill here with Qhayiya"
Me" Grow up"
Yanga" You're rude"
Me" Whatever"
" Let's go cut the cake then video call Qhama"
Yanga" He is probably out with his friends"
Me" He will still answer"
We had a mini staring contest
"Fine, I won't call him"
Yanga" Tshini, focus on your daughter"
I rolled my eyes
Me" Take your own advice"
Yanga" Awumbi"
Me" Nje ngawe?"
Yanga" Stupid"
I laughed because that's what Qhayiya says all the time to us.
Me" mxm"
She walked over to me
Me" I love you, I am so proud of you and I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. You are my first child, I learned to be a mother kuwe and I some times think I did a good job"
"Never forget that I love you, noba kunzima kangaka nani, noba it seems like everything sucks, remember that I love you and you are my world"
I gave her a hug
Me" Happy Birthday Nugget"
Hlalumi" I love you too Mommy"

The following day it was Monday so it means being at war with Hlalumi.
Me" Wake up Nugget"
Hlalumi" I hate school"
Me" We know but you still have to go"
She hates the waking up
"Baby, wake up, I packed your favorite snacks"
Hlalumi" Can I eat them now?"
Me" You are your father's daughter"
I handed her the entire lunch box and walked away because I will never get used to this mess.
Qhayiya" Mommy"
Yanga" Uyangxola"
I looked at the both of them and just got annoyed even before I heard what the problem is.
Me" Yanga"
Yanga" Hulk pooped in his shoe and he wore it without checking"
He was laughing again and Qhayiya was crying.
Me" Umdala"
Yanga" Hahaha babe, it's funny"
Me" Every morning you two do this"
Yanga" I'll sort it out"
Me" Thank you"
Yanga" Should I drop them off?"
Me" I don't mind"
Yanga" Are you okay?"
Me" Yea"
"I am just tired"
I sat in the sofa and started silently sobbing.
Yanga" Yazini"
Me" I am tired"
Yanga" I'm sorry about laughing at the shoe thing"
Me" It's not that"
"I just don't have the energy for anything"
Yanga" You want to sleep?"
"I'll drop them off"
Me" Yanga"
"I'm not ready"
His eyes were shimmering with tears
Yanga" Please don't"
"Sleep this off, I'll go drop these two off and we can go to the doctor together"
Me" Okay"
Yanga" I'll be back"

I woke up on the bed and Yanga wasn't next to me. I ran out of the room, no one was home. I took my phone and called him.
Me" Where are you?"
Yanga" Dropping off Hlalumi"
"Qhayiya is already at Day care"
Me" I need to rush to the office, I over slept"
He was quiet
Yanga" Yaz, wait for me"
Me" It's Monday, I have the staff meeting today"
Yanga" Baby, please wait for me"
Me" We can meet for lunch, but I can't be late for work"
Yanga" I'll be there in five minutes"
He hung up and I went to take a shower, then got dressed in black pants and a white blouse with black heels. I fixed my hair and Yanga walked in like he was being chased.
Me" Why were you running?"
Yanga" Rushing to you"
"Babe, I need to tell you something"
Me" Walk and talk?, I'm late"
Yanga" Yazini, you don't work"
Me" What do you mean?"
Yanga" You quit your job because you were scared to end up embarrassing yourself at work"
"Let's go back to bed"
Me" I.....?"
I couldn't remember the word
He said and I nodded, I started crying and he helped me to the bed.
Yanga" We will wake up and laugh about this"
I nodded
Me" Yanga"
He looked at me
"Am I crazy?"
He kissed my forehead
Yanga" Yep, crazy about your perfect husband"
"You are okay babe"
He smiled and so did I
Me" I have children right?"
Yanga" Two amazing children"
"Lets sleep, we will wake up all better"

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