Fun mistakes

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Chapter 13


They say you often find home in your soulmate, I don't know what that means. Yanga and I have been separated for 2 years, 4 months and 12 days but who is counting anyway. Things have tough! Well no, I finally got a real job and it paid me enough to stop working two jobs. Qhama didn't have to change schools and we finally moved into our own place. Hlalumi saw her father every weekend, Yanga and I had an argument because I didn't see why Qhama had to go with Hlalumi and he was like;
"Qhama has always been like a son to me, Hlalumi shouldn't change that. Imagine how Qhama will feel suddenly being excluded"
I am telling you! You think he stopped at that?, he was there at every concert, every sport event and he took Qhama to soccer games like he did when we were together. I wanted to jump across the room and smack him for being so good with my brother. One night when he was dropping off the kids, he asked if we cam speak and I said "yea", I never expected what he said; "I am moving on, it's been a year and I am giving up on you. I didn't want you to hear or see it before I tell you". He moved on with Zoe! Are there no women in PE?. They seemed happy and my traitorous brother loved Zoe and so did my daughter. It's always your own people that betray you. So I decided to start dating again too. I met this guy and he was really a good guy but he wasn't my type. I didn't even think I have a type until I actually started dating again, Yanga was an intellectual man, but he also had this street thing about him. He knew his role as a man, allowed me to shine and he admired from a distance, even during sex, he was always more focused on pleasing me. I have slept with two men that's excluding Yanga, and I have been dealing with disappointments. My expectations kept on ruining things for me, so I lowered them and I was still disappointed. So I decided to bench myself. 
Khanya" You really haven't had sex in 6 months?"
Me" Yea, celibacy is good sometimes"
Sange" For who?"
Yep, she was back, she spent two years in New York and she moved to Cape Town to work for a fashion magazine as a stylist. She is just visiting for the weekend. 
Khanya" State of mind"
Sange" But you are always having sex"
She said looking at Khanya and he giggled
"Yes, but I love having sex, I love fucking and she doesn't. We can't all the good at this"
Khanya said then reached for his wine glass.
Me" I enjoy sex"
Sange" No, you are suppose to love sex. "Enjoy" what is wrong with you?"
"I could cuddle a dick"
Khanya" Pray on a dick"
Sange" Ride a dick"
Khanya" Kiss a dick"
Sange" Gag because of a dick"
Khanya" But have reflex because I can handle dick"
Sange" Swallow dick juice"
I roared with laughter
Me" I get it!!! Hahahah I hate you two"
Khanya" Take that frustration and go ride a dick"
They shared a hi five.
Me" Voestek uyeva?"
" I know what I want"
Khanya" But that's Zoe's dick"
Sange" Nangoku?"
Me" Yep"
"They are happy"
Khanya" She stalks him on instagram"
Sange nodded
Me" What are you doing?"
She was pouring more wine in my glass. 
Sange" Giving you courage"
Me" For?"
Sange" To have a one night stand"
"Don't over think, find a guy and let him take you home"
Khanya" Just don't get too drunk, be tipsy that way you can still consent and he shouldn't be too drunk either"
Me" Where will I find that guy?"
Sange" We are going out"
Me" No"
Khanya" I don't think she was asking" 
The waiter came to us
"Hey, my boss says you can't put your feet on the chair"
Khanya and I laughed
Me" Tell Roger we used to make him money, this is the least he can do for us" 
The waiter laughed, we ordered two more bottles of wine. Around 9 we went to my place because they wouldn't let us in at Cubana because we were wearing flip flops. Sange change her whole outfit and wore a baby pink bandage dress with spaghetti straps and clear heels.
Khanya" Akabuyi nawe lo, she has a dick appointment"
Sange threw condoms in her clutch bag.
Me" Really?"
Sange" Yea, he will pick me up pha"
I laughed
Me" What should I wear?"
Sange" Be comfortable but sexy"
I just wore a black bodycon dress that's off the shoulder and heels. We finally left, the hostesses told us we need to buy a bottle to get a table.
Khanya" Mam! Sapha 2 Hennessey bottles"
She lead us to the table
"The way everyone is looking at y'all we are not paying for these drinks"
Sange and I just laughed it off, then ordered food for us. The vibe was crazy, we were all dancing, guys kept on coming to our table. We paid them no attention to them, like Khanya predicted, this guy paid for our bill yet he still didn't get Sange's number. Then tried to make small talk with me, but the dj dropped Khanya and I's song so I had to go dance. 
Khanya" Don't look but Yanga just walked in"
I carried on dancing, goofing around because it's not really something I do well. Sange also noticed Yanga, he walked pass Khanya and I then went to hug Sange. They were making small talk, we walked back to the table. 
Yanga" Ekse"
He hugged Khanya then looked at me
I gave him a head nod
Yanga" Can we join y'all?"
"Every table is packed"
Khanya and I looked around, just to verify this. Yanga always has a table waiting for him, but he was actually telling the truth.
Sange" Yea, it's just us anyway" 
He waved to his friends, they greeted, and sat down. They were with two other girls. They sat down without even greeting us, while Yanga's friends were so happy to see us. I loved how they didn't care about Khanya's sexuality, that's the other thing that made my attempt at dating fail. I hate homophobic men.
Yanga" I watched you in court last week, congratulations on your win"
He was speaking to Khanya.
Khanya" I thought that was you"
"Thanks by the way, it was my first case. We are celebrating lonto"
They congratulated him.
Ongama" We need champagne, asoze kaloku iphelele apho"
They ordered champagne and when the bottles came, I asked for sparkling water. 
Me" Ndiyeza"
I went outside, I started chatting to the guy I who has been looking at me. 
"Uhamba nini?"
He asked
Me" When should we leave?"
He laughed then I went in for a kiss
"I need to settle my bill, then I'll come find you"
I kissed him again
Me" I'll go tell my friends"
I went back to my friends.
"Ndiya hamba"
Sange had a huge grin on her face, I noticed Ongama looking at Yanga.
Sange" T for tense"
I just ignored her but I really wanted to laugh.
Khanya" take a photo of the number plate"
Me" I will"
Yanga was looking at us, I looked at him and laughed. Then looked back at my friends and said;
"He will come get me apha" 
I drank more of my water, he finally came to us. And greeted everyone then introduced himself, my friends were giggling at how awkward this was. 
Me" You sure you don't need the keys?"
Sange" Nope, will tell you when I get to my hoestination"
Me" Hahaha stop this"
I hugged them, then took my bag. He took my hand then led me outside. 
"I'm parked at White tiger, will bring the car around then we can go"
We kissed then he left. 

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