Chapter 2 "Date day"

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8/13/20  11:00 am ~ First "date" with the boys
I woke up at 11 to make sure I was ready before Julian got here
I got in the shower and put this on👇

8/13/20  11:00 am ~ First "date" with the boys😇I woke up at 11 to make sure I was ready before Julian got hereI got in the shower and put this on👇

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Makeup 👇

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Makeup 👇

I was ready by 11:50 and Julian was gonna be here at 12:00

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I was ready by 11:50 and Julian was gonna be here at 12:00. So had time to get a backpack together. I put perfume, lotion, lip gloss, my charger, and some Twinkies in my bag. And went down stairs and made some tiktoks while I waited for Julian.
Julian was about 10 mins late.
Me:" I know I said be yourself but you could at least be on time"
Julian:" Come on thee Julian Barboza arrives when he wants to arrive"
Me:" Okayy Mr. Julian Barboza"
Jr's house wasn't that far from mine, maybe like 20 mins away. When we got to Jr's house. It was only him and Marcky there.
Marcky:"Hey y'all"
Me:" wassup"
Julian:" Hey"
Jr:" Sup"
Julian and Marcky walk away and start talking bout something so I break the silence between me and Marcky
Me:" So Marcky this girl your talking to. Tell me about her?"
Marcky:" Okay well her name is Summer, and Shes 17"
Me:" Okay okay. How long have you guys been talking"
Marcky:" 2 months. I wanna make her mine but I'm waiting for the right time. And I wanna do something special for here but I don't know what"
Me:" Well I know as a girl we like to be treated like Princesses. And we wanna be shown off. We want our man to let everyone know that he's not single. Personally I've always wanted a Promposal. Those are adorable."
Marcky:" Promposal?"
Me:" yeah. Okay so basically you tell people what your gonna do but not her. You can buy roses and have people giving her roses as she walks in the room. Until she reaches the end of people which is where you'll be standing and you can be holding a poster asking her out or you can actually ask her. She'll be really surprised"
Marcky:" Okay but what if she turns me down in front of all those people"
Me:" Okay we'll here's the thing. IF she wasn't really sure about dating you. This will make her think like dang he did all this for me? He really wants to be with me. Or she'll be like he wants to be with me so much and he doesn't care what other people think. And that to a girl is attractive and she'll want you."
Marcky:" Oh shit that's smart. Make her feel appreciated"
Me:" Yeah exactly. Show her off and make her feel like she's the only girl for you. Then she'll never feel like your gonna play her "
Marcky:" I wasn't gonna play her I'm not a player."
Me:" oh no Marcky I wasn't saying it like that I was saying like if she's been hit before. I know a lot of girls have been hurt so it's hard for us to believe that every guy aren't players"
Marcky:" Oh. Have you been hurt before?"
Me:" Yup. More than once"
Marcky:" But you just said hurt girls are scared cause they don't know the difference between a player and a non player"
Me:" Yea but before I was all bout  giving chances. And that people make mistakes and not every guy wasn't the same so I would give different guys chances and they would all hurt me in the same way but slightly different."
Marcky:" Oh. So that's why your single?"
Me:" No I'm single cause I don't have time for playing games with these bum ass dudes. I know what I'm looking for and I refuse to settle for less"
Marcky:" That's Wassup. But I you don't mind me asking. What are you looking for exactly?"
Me:" I want someone that's willing to commit. Who wants to find love and a longing relationship. I wanna step into love rather than falling in love. Falling hurts to much and I wanna take my time. I wanna get to know you before we're together. We should really know each other and we should hang out a couple times before dating. I want a guy that respects me an my body. I don't send nudes and if you can't respect that then bye. I'm not gonna date you for a month and already tryna fuck. My body is important to me and i super insecure about it and I want a guy that respects a women and who wants a relationship that's not based on or the main thing they want is sex. I don't have time for that. I don't get down like that. And I ain't a booty call."
Marcky:" Damn girl you just described-"
Marc:" Marc in the house, whoop whoop"
Mathew:" Wassup Bros"
Me:" Hey"
I get up and give Mathew a hug and then I give Marc one and he pulls me to the living room.
Marc:" Hey babygirl you look pretty"
Me:" Thank you. And don't get me wrong I love the babygirl but can you not call me that please. It makes me feel like we're dating and it's scaring me"
Marc:" Oh so dating me is scary now?"
Me:" No that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I'm really damaged so I'm thinking we together and I keep telling myself don't fuck this up or I keep thinking I'ma loose you and it's scaring me"
Marc:'' oh okay. I'm sorry bab- Jayla"
Me:" You can come up with a different nickname though if you want, something cute"
Marc:" Okay lemme think. . . Umm. . .  I don't know yet. I'll think of something before you go home though okay?"
Me:" Okay."
When me and Marc go back to the boys everyone is already here and it's 12:45 so we start getting into the two cars. This time I'm in Marcky's car with him, Jaden, Jr, and I. In Julian's car it's him, marc, Mathew, and kevin. The skating rink was 20 minutes away from jrs house so we got there at 1:05. The parking lot wasn't full of cars but it wasn't empty either. We all get out and head into the rink. Of course they won't let me pay for my self so Julian paid for me. When get in their we take a group selfie (usie) and we put on our skates. I stand up and almost fall.
Marc:" I thought you knew how to skate?"
Me:" I do but the first couple of steps always get me cause I have to get use to it"
Marc:"mmhm we'll see bout that"
Me:" Okay Marcus we'll see who can skate"
Marc:" Yea we will"
So they all finally get done lacing there skates and we head to the floor. I get on and take off I do a full lap and they're barely getting along on the wall. I slow down and go to them and take marcs hand and pull him away from the wall.
Marc:" Hey woah"
Me:" Don't worry I gotchu I won't let you fall unless you freak out. So calm down"
Marc:" Okay"
Me:" Okay now look. Grab my hand and put your arm in the inside of mine so your arm  is pressing against my side" He does as told
Me:" Okay so me having you like this your less likely to fall cause I can catch your weight."
Marc:" Okay"
Me:" Okay now slowly push off. Its like I rythum. Slide your right foot. Then lift your left and slide that one and then repeat. He started getting the hang of it and we were skating together. He was still a little wobbily but its okay he's a beginner.
Me:" Alright let me go help them too. Are you good?"
Marc:" Yea IMA go with marcky"
Me:" Okay."
We skate to marcky and I take off. I grab Julian's hand and pull him from the wall.
Julian:" YO. Hold up"
Me:" Your not gonna fall I promise. Just grab my hand and put your arm in the inside of mine and press it against my side"
Julian intertwines our fingers and I can't help but smile. He does as I told him and I tell him the same as I told Marc.
Me:" You have to find a rythum"
Julian:" I have no rythum. You haven't seen me dance"
I shake my head and laugh at him.
Me:" Okay well right foot push off then step with your left and slide. And you just keep that motion."
He goes but he's a little choppy he's not in the right Rythum and its throwing him off.
Me:" Okay babe your not doing it right. Calm down. And slow down. Your supposed to go in a slower motion. Right then left right then left right then left"
Julian:" Okay. Right,, left right,,left"
Me:" There you go your getting it."
And after a while of practice he gets the hang and he's a little wobbly still but he's doing it.
Me:" Good job Mr. Barboza"
Julian:" Thanks babe"
Me:"No problem. Okay I'ma take you to Marc and marcky and help the other boys"
Julian:"Why? Stay with me. Let's skate together"
Me:" Julian I can't do that and you know it. I'll spend time with later though"
Julian:" You promise"
Me:" I promise"
He smiles at me and we skate to marcky and Marc.
Me:" Hey Marc how you doing?
Marc:"I'm good thanks to you"
Me:" Of course that's what I'm here for."
I skate off from them and grab Kevin's hand and pull him from the wall
Kevin:" Finally, my turn"
Me:" oh shut up"
We laugh and Kevin grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. I look at him and he just smiles.
Me:" Just couldn't wait to hold my hand"
Kevin:" I also can't wait to be yours"
Me:" I- "
Kevin just laughs and I teach him to skate like I did Marc and Julian.
DJ:" Alright skaters its time for our first game. If you wanna play Limbo stay on the floor if not exit the floor please"
Me:" Do you wanna play?"
Kevin:" I can barely skate"
Me:" So,, that's what makes it fun"
Kevin shakes his head so I exit the floor with him and we go to the boys.
Me:" Where's Marc and marcky?"
Julian:" They're playing "
I look at the rink and see Marc and marcky still on the floor.
Me:" Bet. Bye losers"
I go back on the floor and join Marc and marcky.
Me:" Y'all ready to lose."
Marc:" Okay lose right. Marc Gomez never loses"
Me:" Well we gone see about that today Marcus."
I wink at him and he smiles.
Me:" You gone lose too marcky. Your going down"
Marcky:" Yea okay."
The games starts and all three of us pass the first 3 rounds cause its not that hard. But 4th round becomes tricky. There's only 6 rounds so 4 is pretty low. And theres only about 6 people still in the game including us 3. I go first and I make it under safely. But Marcky fails. And Marc somehow doesn't.
Me:" Marcky?"
Marcky:" I don't know how I hit that stick"
Me:" well just me and you buddy"
Marc:" Yup looks like it."
5th round Marc looses and its me and this one guy. I haven't noticed him this whole time but he's so fine👇

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