A B O U T / E L I G I B I L I T Y

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The contest is aimed at stories that represent Asian Culture or consist of Asian characters.

We don't mean to discriminate anyone, and if you want, we can also have another contest that's inclusive of everyone.

Comment (in-line) here if you want an all-inclusive contest.

We are accepting all books as long as they promote/represent Asia, its culture or its people.

The awards aim to promote such books and the view count of your book does not matter.

This is for undiscovered gems and popular books alike, we will NOT be taking views/votes into account when judging.

We are looking for judges fluent in the various Asian languages. (Please do consider judging if you are fluent in other Asian languages.)

For now if your book is in the following language, you are allowed to enter:

1. English

2. Hindi

3. Urdu

We are highly interested in adding more languages so please consider judging.

We still need more judges for the languages listed above so don't worry, you can still judge.

Your book must be at least 10 chapters long as it will be judged based on those ten chapters.

For short stories, we require a minimum of 3 chapters.

You are allowed to enter as many books as you want, but you cannot enter one book in several different categories. Please choose one category per book.

*Please ask your questions here or PM us.

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